View Full Version : What do you call stress without worry?

09-09-2015, 08:55 AM
I guess it doesn't really matter what it's called, but I'm curious. I have always said I had GAD, because I feel stressed all the time, but when I looked it up it said it was characterised by worry about every day things, and I don't seem to worry about every day things. In fact, I don't seem to worry, specifically. I don't have 'what ifs', except 'what if this is what life is like and it doesn't get better'? That's my worry, I suppose. But rather than specifically anxious about the future, I usually just feel under tremendous amounts of pressure and I feel the need to escape it. My life feels like an endless list of boring tasks that I have to do because it's my responsibility. Even going to see my friends and stuff - I can't be arsed but I have to do it. I've always seen my anxiety as being the fallout from constantly fighting against an underlying depression (you can't just sit there and wallow, you're going to have to get on with it; you can't quit, you're going to have to get on with it...etc...) I feel guilty a lot as well - it's all over-responsibility, and I just feel knackered and strung-out and I don't enjoy anything.

Is this still GAD? Like I say, words don't really matter, I'm just kind of curious as to how these labels work because I can't find a type of anxiety that seems to describe what I feel.