View Full Version : Getting Really Sick of Health Anxiety

09-09-2015, 12:53 AM
Hey friends,

The biggest driver of my anxiety is over my health. I had my first panic attack several months ago, and since that point, it has ruined me. I've been worried about every little thing that I feel is wrong with me. Hyper aware of any pain or pressure. Recently I've been having pressure in my head. This may have been explained by a potential sinus infection and also neck tension. Last week I was feeling so much better, like I may have gotten over it. But yesterday and today, I'd noticed a strange, but less severe feeling / pressure on the left side of my head from the top of my ear to my temple area. It's not painful, and it may not even be there all the time, but it is freaking me out nonetheless. I'd just like to get on with my life and stop worrying about this stuff, but lately it's always seeming like something is wrong. Has anyone had any experience with this specific sort of thing? I'm very aware of health anxiety and the things it can make you feel, but like a lot of people, I can't help but worry that this is different and I should worry. Now that I think about it, it sort of goes down to my ear as well, where my ear feels sort of "full"... my hearing isn't impaired, but it feels like there's a slight pressure in my ear or something. It'd be much appreciated if anyone could tell me if they've dealt with this sort of thing before, if it's something I should worry about, and if not what I should do about it.

Thanks everyone!

09-09-2015, 12:14 PM
I've been going thru the same exact thing recently. every little twinge, tweak, odd pain or sensation is analyzed and run thru the gamut of possible causes on WebMD which only fuels the problem further. its a vicious cycle and has definitely impacted my life in a very negative fashion.

09-09-2015, 05:49 PM
I had the exact same feeling as you serious pressure in my head felt almost like it was gonna explode,I worried and panicked about it even telling my wife I thought I had a brain tumour..I would say it is all down to your anxiety..I have been suffering very badly with it lately I've only had the odd actual attack but on a daily basis felt I had some sort of symptom be it being dizzy or lightheaded..my first panic attack I had I thought I was having a heart attack and had to be taking to hospital where I had a chest X-ray blood taken heart monitored and was reassured I was 100% healthy but still my anxiety made me feel something was wrong and moved on to giving me the same symptoms you are describing even though I know I'm healthy..it's all down to how your aniexty affects you and makes you think wrong things..I would suggest if it's really bothering go and get a check up just to reassure yourself you are healthy also I went to the doctor and he put me on 10mg of escitalopram which I've taken before and although they do take a while to work I felt did help me,he also suggested counciling which I'm considering..you just gotta fight the aniexty and urge to panic about your health and reassure yourself that you are ok..hope that helps

09-09-2015, 06:21 PM
I have ALSO had head pressure! I am just getting it recently though like I have only had it for a week. I am still in school and it really sucks when I am in a class and I have a panic attack or feel dizzy, I am scared I am going to faint or something and I just end up having a hard time breathing and I twitch AND I have the pressure on my head. I have had the normal severe anxiety for about 10 months now and I get the normal symptoms... Heart Racing, Feel like im going to die, too scared to do anything public. The only way I seem to get better is when I am sitting and talking to my friends or just random people. It sucks going through this cycle every day...

09-09-2015, 07:53 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. Rationally, I mostly accept that there's nothing wrong with me. But when I'm sitting there, and there's a physical feeling of pressure on the side of my head that can't be ignored, it's extremely hard to tell myself that I'm okay. I've felt it most of today to varying degrees. It was worse in the morning than it is right now. I don't know if I'm imagining things and working myself up, but when I rub my temples I swear the one with the pressure feels different to the other one, and it freaks me out. I have no idea if that's how it's supposed to be, that's how it's always been... all I know is it feels that way to me now, when I rub them and compare. So between that feeling, and the pressure, I'm just a wreck all day. It's all I think about. I have previously gone to the doctor for head pressure that was all over my head as opposed to this which is on one side, and my doctor said it was anxiety and I'd likely get over it. This just scares the hell out of me because it's different to that. Any different symptom freaks me out. I'm only 20 years old and have never had any health problems, and only starting being health anxious several months ago. It's really upsetting me that I go through every day like this now.

09-09-2015, 08:48 PM
I feel you 100% AnxiousPatriot when I wake up its the worst usually although sometimes it happens in the afternoon for me. But for the most part its just all in your head also the body has to have a way to react to stress just think of this... It may seem stupid but it actually helps me sometimes... this is what your brain is thinking... "Okay body so I see you are freaking out about something... huh is it a serious problem OR are you just freaking out? 98% of the time its just freaking out so the brain responds by showing "symptoms" in your body that make you seem lightheaded/dizzy/Pain in the Head. Your heart also starts RACING because your brain is responding to the flight or fight response and you are choosing to flight so your body is all pumped up with Adrenaline and you react the way you do." It is not anything serious but you will always think it is! That is what happens to me every day but I read that paragraph and feel a bit better!
Hope you feel better and ill be glad to hear again from you later! :D

09-09-2015, 08:59 PM
Hey nathans8823, I am feeling a bit better at this point. Don't know if it's just cause I've calmed down or what, but I'm hoping it only improves. I'm hoping you're doing well, too. It's just the scariest experience constantly thinking something terrible is happening to you. I do try to tell myself that I'm fine and that none of this could be happening to me. I'm too young, too healthy, and all of this stuff is too rare. It helps sometimes, but there are other times where there is just no getting to me with reason.