View Full Version : Feeling happy

09-08-2015, 09:08 AM
Hi all,
I haven't posted for a little while or been about, things have been quite busy (the right amount to keep me distracted without being too stressful, yay)
I thought I'd come and post because I don't want to be a person who just comes and dumps their c**p when things are bad. Last week (and so far the start of this week) have been rally great. My anxiety has been low (or at least manageable) and things with my boyfriend have been very calm (I posted earlier about my deranged relationship behaviours.)
I'm not going to lie, there is a voice at the back of my head that keeps telling me something is about to go wrong and if it does I'm scared it will be really hard to deal with because I've felt so good lately, it'll be a massive crash to come back down again. I know from next week there's going to be a change to my boyfriend's schedule and it's going to get harder for us to make time for each other, which has me quite nervous, but at least I know it's coming.
I suppose all I wanted to say really is that things have been pretty good and even though it feels like a ticking time bomb I'm grateful for it because it really has been a long time since I felt like this, so it's good to remember that I have been happy before and will be again. I just wanted to share that.
I hope that people are well.

09-08-2015, 10:19 AM
Hey it's always great to hear when someone has a good patch going! I'm glad to know that things have been good for you recently.
So the time apart from your boyfriend thing I can totally relate to! My bf and I have been inseparable since we started dating in January and last week he started a completely different schedule from me (Before we both worked 2nd shift at the same company). Well now he is going to school full time(has almost all day classes Tues/Thurs and 3 hours of class on Mon/Wed) and had to switch to 3rd shift so that he could work and go to school. I am extremely happy for him to be going back to school because it's been something that has negatively affected his self worth knowing that he never finished his degree so I know this is something he needs. But the time apart is something very hard for me to deal with. I am barely managing but I am still here. So if you would like to pm me and talk about your impending separation feel free.
I really do hope that your upward swing continues because I know how dark and infinite it can feel when you're in the downward end of things.