View Full Version : Stopping zoloft after 2 weeks

Mathieu Frenchfish
09-08-2015, 02:03 AM
Hi guys,

I ve been on zoloft 25mg since 2 weeks (for panic disorder) , i really have a hard tme with the side effects, it s a combination of being tired and nervous at the same time and 2 hours after i taken it it feels like someone bang me on the head with a hammer, and i got this bipppp in my head and feel completely out of it. Even when i was feeling bad before, i always had some hours or some days where i truly feel like myself. But it s hardly the case since i started zoloft :(.

Soo i want to stop before it s too late , but i m in a situation where i can t reach my psy for the next 3 weeks. Do you guys think i can just stop like this since it s only been 2 weeks? What should i expect?

09-08-2015, 02:22 PM
Hi guys,

I ve been on zoloft 25mg since 2 weeks (for panic disorder) , i really have a hard tme with the side effects, it s a combination of being tired and nervous at the same time and 2 hours after i taken it it feels like someone bang me on the head with a hammer, and i got this bipppp in my head and feel completely out of it. Even when i was feeling bad before, i always had some hours or some days where i truly feel like myself. But it s hardly the case since i started zoloft :(.

Soo i want to stop before it s too late , but i m in a situation where i can t reach my psy for the next 3 weeks. Do you guys think i can just stop like this since it s only been 2 weeks? What should i expect?

If you stop taking it then you probably will have withdrawal symptoms. Those can include headache, dizziness, anxiety, nausea, electric shock-like sensations and insomnia. It is usually recommended that you gradually taper off of an antidepressant,

Mathieu Frenchfish
09-09-2015, 12:50 AM
Thanks for answering Supernick!
I was thinking since i m allready on the lowest dose that the only option was to stop cold turkey, i guess i can always open the pill and take away a little bit of the powder , does that sound ridiculous?

09-09-2015, 12:50 AM
If you are trying to avoid the situations & keep doing the same thing, you ll probably end up with the same result. Don't think too much of things which you cant control. Engage yourself in some other mindful activities.