View Full Version : Having real trouble sleeping..any help??

09-07-2015, 04:54 PM
Hey,I have been having panic attacks for about 6 months now I'd have one maybe once every 2 weeks..but now I find I have serious trouble with sleeping,I haven't had any proper sleep in close to 2 weeks now,I try go to bed to sleep but as soon as I shut my eyes everything gets weird,I get a strange wave of emotions pass over me that are very hard to explain I also get dizzy lightheaded shortness of breath and heart palpitations..I really don't want to go to the doc and ask for sleeping pills to rely on sleep I've tried other things in very active play soccer on the weekends go to the gym and swim all week I've also started eating better and cut out alcohol but still no joy in getting rid of these physical feeling that my anxiety gives me trying to sleep..I'm just wondering if anyone else has suffered in the same way and if they have or how they overcame it?? Thanks

09-08-2015, 07:07 AM
Hello - chúc m?i ngu?i cu?i tu?n vui v?,
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09-08-2015, 08:59 AM
That sounds awful. I used to get very emotional when I tried to sleep, I'd be overwhelmed and usually ended up crying myself to sleep. I use a pillow spray that's got lavender and some other things in it which is quite calming, that's helped me a bit but I don't know if it will work for everyone and your attacks sound quite severe. I wish I had better advice. To be honest what I also found was that I was pushing everything down through the day and not letting it out, which is why I was getting so overwhelmed at night because then I was tired on top of everything else. I've gotten in the habit of trying to deal with some of my emotions before I get to the point of going to bed, even if that means having a little cry once in a while to relieve some of the stress and worry, it's definitely worth it for sleep.

09-10-2015, 10:34 AM
I also have this, not all the time but last night I did, everything you explain is how it was for me. I was in bed ad after trying to sleep for maybe an hour it didn't work, I got up had some water and a cig. Tried again, t was more or less impossible to sleep although I felt so tired, I finally ended up drifting off on my sofa a few hours later, with the tv on in the background. I wish I had strong advice for you, but unfortunatey I don't. One thing that helped me in the past was counting down from 100 each breath. 9 times out of 10 I never made it to 50. Having said that, last night it failed to work for me. Good luck to you.