View Full Version : Giving a name at my problem

Leonardo Barone
09-07-2015, 10:04 AM
Hello Guys, my names is leonardo and I'm a italian guy of 38 years old, I was been always healthy beside the fact that I suffered since many years to a moderate level of obsessive compulsive disorder who made me think a lot during the day (overthinking) and pushed me to follow rituals, yep, I bet most of the people here know how OCD work, I suffered a little bit also of depression time ago and was been many years that I had a little bit on anxiety but nothing of so worrying.

Last year for the first time happened a very strange thing, I was in my house and i started to feal very bad, l felt how I was going to faint, like a huge depression and anxiety was hit me, my heart was hitting very fast, I felt a huge nausea sensation and a air hunger, I had also a little bit of blurred vision and detached from the world around me, my parents called the ambulance, at the hospital after various checks the doctor said me that probably I have had a presyncope episode caused by anxiety or depression, I was been dismissed from the ospital the day after and the doctor gave me a vial of Diazepam reccomended me to got it in the case these symptoms would come again, he reccomended me to consult a psychiatrist which gave me a cure based on pills of venlafaxine.

I started to feel better and this march I stopped the cure after 8 months, the reason was because after reached the 150 mg the pills started to give me some side effects like nausea and nightmares.

Anyway I was been good this summer, despite the fact that in july I had this problem again albeit with less entity, I was on the beach and in the water I started to have the same sympoms, nausea, anxiety, depression and a sensation of passing out, but I thought was the hot fault, this summer was been very hot here in Italy.

This 30 august I had one other episode, I was driving my car in the evening and i started to become very anxious and I couldn't breath, my legs war heavy how the blood was unable to flow in to them, so I stopped my car and I started to walking and took one hour before this symptoms went away.

I fixed on appointment this wednsday with my psychiatrist, probably I have to restart the cure again, but now I have to keep going.

Maybe some of you could help me to understand well what is it, how is called this problem, look like presyncope episodes or panic attack in light form.

This symptoms come by ramdom and usually last one hour, are a mix of depression, anxiety and nausea usually with fear, heart hitting, blurred vision and heavy legs, moreover I discovered that some behaviours in my lifestyle can be a trigger or a help :

WHAT LOOK LIKE IT'S A TRIGGER : technology abuse, overthinking, masturbation, stay in my house, close spaces, stress , coffee, sad or worrying events, boredom, dark, hot weather, stay alone.

WHAT LOOK LIKE HELP ME : follow a good alimentation, make exercise, stay out of my house, have relax, stay with friends.

I had to confess that last year I have had masturbation addiction, this is because I don't have had a woman for long time, I thought that over masturbation was the
cause of my problem, also because I had read that masturbation can lead to develop anxiety and also because looked like it's one of the things who trigger my symptoms, but now I stopped with masturbation and my problem remained.

I wonder if someone of you can help me to understand well my problem that are freaking me out so much , it's not so dangerous because I never faint but I feel like shit when happen and think to the fact that it could getting wrong are giving me the willies.