View Full Version : Shall I let my old friend in?

09-07-2015, 07:39 AM
Hello and nice to meet you all!

First of all, im not a native english speaker. I will do alot of mistakes. And im a man.

I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for almot 10 years. For about four years went undiagnosed, as i tried to find an organic cause of my problems. Needless to say i visited almost every medicine branch. Nothing really wrong with me organically. So i've been put on paroxetine. Seroxat to be more exact. I took it for 5 long years. But only for 1 year and a half I took it as 20mg daily dose. Then i started to take 10mg per day and went like this some time until i gave up for good on Seroxat since 1 year. So i am free, but no so free. I have 2 small kids, a busy job and a house under construction. 75% done. So this is by far my worst year in terms of stress. And since 2 months i've been experiencing those dread feeling and symptoms wich announce an anxiety disorder: sudden produse sweating, trembling, pins and needles, foot and legs weakness, stomach uneasiness, dizziness, mind racing. My question to you is: shall i go back to my old friend ( it gave my life back in the nightmare days, literally ) or endure these symptoms and try get past this moment in my life with small kids, house, staying at my parents, stressful job? They seem classic anxiety symptoms. Or shall i go visit some doctors? I dont know what to do!

What would you guys do? I am not incapacitated by the symptoms, yet. I hope it wont get worse. But those of you who went into the black hole and made it back know that there is no easy way with this.

Im so confused. And so scared to start paroxetine again.
Tks alot for listening to me.

09-07-2015, 08:24 AM
Honestly if its getting worse chances are that it's not going to just stop anytime soon. At the very least I would see your Dr. Better to nip it in the bud early. Pardon my ignorance on it but if you hate the paroxetine , maybe look into a different med? For each person its different, I fully understand the not wanting to rely on meds. I am the same way .