View Full Version : Sorry for the long post but I am a bit desperate: Severe Weakness and Anxiety

09-07-2015, 04:54 AM
Hi there. After searching for months I still couldn't find out whats happening with me.
About 3 months ago I started suffering for weakness upon waking up. I literally used to wake up feeling totally zapped of energy. It slowly got worse over the weeks.
Then I got a bit worried (I am a hypochondriac!) and I did full thyroid tests privately. They came back fine.
In fact all tests came back fine except vitamin D which was actually very low (9 ng/dl).
So I started taking vitamin D 9000 Iu daily. Its been over a month and my weakness just seems to be getting worse and worse.
Also about a month ago I suffered a few panic attacks.
These panic attacks came about in a strange way. I was doing some exercise (pretty light exercise) and I started feeling breathless and drained of energy. That day I felt totally drained of energy, so I went to sleep early and after a couple of hours I woke up feeling so weak that I thought I was going to die. Absolutely no energy at all. And then my heart started racing and i got a dry mouth (Panic attack).
Now everyday I feel totally drained of energy and so weak that i can randomly get panic attacks as it seems like MY BODY IS SHUTTING DOWN and the adrenaline comes to 'jump start' the body???
Also when the panic attacks first started the doctors prescribed Lexapro 5mg and I have been having that for about a month without any improvement to the weakness.
The strange thing is that there are times when I feel almost normal (although still a bit weak) but then suddenly I get bouts of extreme weakness where I just feel like I am going to pass out (although I haven't passed out).
But overall despite the vitamin D and Lexapro my weakness seems to be getting worse and worse. Please can you share your experiences, is this anxiety or something else.

Looking forward to your replies. Thanks again


09-07-2015, 05:22 PM
Just read your post I also get panic attacks around once a month where I get heart palpatations shivering dizziness and feel like I'm going to die,it's a horrible feeling I know how horrible it feels,I was also put on 5mg of lexapro but they can take up to 6 weeks for them to start working so maybe you just need to give the tablets a bit more time to start working..I have certainly found that they have subsided my painc attacks..but lately I have been feeling very weak like you were saying almost on a daily basis I feel so drained and out of it like my body is shutting down and that if I was to close my eyes then I would actually just die,it also affects my sleep real bad which makes my tiredness even worse..I have been waiting to see if these feeling will pass in time but it's been 2 weeks now and still know improvement..I'm going to go back to my doc and see what he suggests and get a check up just to reassure myself that everything is fine..just wanted to let you know that your not alone in have problems of serious weakness and s feeling like your body is shutting down..if I get a solution from my doctor I'll pass it on to you

09-08-2015, 04:39 AM
Just read your post I also get panic attacks around once a month where I get heart palpatations shivering dizziness and feel like I'm going to die,it's a horrible feeling I know how horrible it feels,I was also put on 5mg of lexapro but they can take up to 6 weeks for them to start working so maybe you just need to give the tablets a bit more time to start working..I have certainly found that they have subsided my painc attacks..but lately I have been feeling very weak like you were saying almost on a daily basis I feel so drained and out of it like my body is shutting down and that if I was to close my eyes then I would actually just die,it also affects my sleep real bad which makes my tiredness even worse..I have been waiting to see if these feeling will pass in time but it's been 2 weeks now and still know improvement..I'm going to go back to my doc and see what he suggests and get a check up just to reassure myself that everything is fine..just wanted to let you know that your not alone in have problems of serious weakness and s feeling like your body is shutting down..if I get a solution from my doctor I'll pass it on to you

Thanks Nathan,
I also suffered from sleep problems for the first 2 weeks when I started Lexapro. But thankfully my sleep pattern has gone back to normal. Hopefully your sleep pattern should get back to normal, it usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.
My Doctor also suggested that it's better to take lexapro in the morning as it is better for sleep.
As for the weakness, did you start feeling weak after starting Lexapro or did you have weakness before that?


09-08-2015, 06:23 AM
Wow, your D was so low.

What's it at now?

09-08-2015, 07:07 AM
Wow, your D was so low.

What's it at now?

I haven't got it tested again yet. I have been taking around 9000 iu Vitamin D spray for over a month so hopefully it should be higher now. I should be getting it tested in a couple of months