View Full Version : Any help

09-06-2015, 05:51 PM
Hi..I wondering for some feed back I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks about once a month..they are usually nocturnal panic attacks where I wake up and get one its lasts for about an hour including all the symptoms and then it passes..my main question is though I have a unhealthy fear of dying,I don't regularly have a physical panic attack but most if not every night when I go to bed and lay down I get symptoms including feeling very dizzy and irregular heart beat and a fear that I am going to die from my symptoms but it seems to only happen when I go to bed and and just laying in bed trying to sleep..I'm just wondering does anyone have to same problem?

09-06-2015, 11:37 PM
Hi Nathan,

This is pretty common. It's partly because when you have no distractions your anxiety increases. But it's also because when you're very anxious and you sleep or try to sleep your body says "no sleep for you because I might get attacked!" The same happens when you eat because digestion makes you a bit sleepy and your body wants you on guard 24/7. It's all symptomatic of a nervous system on high-alert. The fear of dying is just how you interpret the anxiety.. Other people think they're going insane or whatever.

Gypsy x