View Full Version : relationships

09-06-2015, 02:43 PM
Hey so this isn't really an anxiety thing more just a vent because I'm really sad right now. I guess I'm a co dependent because I tend to invest a lot in my relationships. Like I always go all in whether it be just friendships or romantic relationships. And right now I just feel like I always screw myself over because nobody ever seems to care about me as much as I do them. I know this is a total insecurity thing and I'm a horrible person for expecting them to care as much as I do. But damn it sucks. I bend over backwards to make other people feel comfortable and make sure they're happy but when my anxiety prevents me from staying at a social function I'm a f*cking hassle and prevent others from having fun. Like it's stupid shit like this that makes me feel like agoraphobia makes sense and I really should just stick to being a hermit and live on my own. Sorry for the rant just needed to let this out.

09-06-2015, 09:22 PM
Hey I know exactly what you mean. I'm learning moderation in this whole thing.. Like you can still have friends and stuff without going to one extreme or the other. It's important for anxious people to have other people in their life so being a hermit is no good. It's very tempting though sometimes.

All the best,
Gypsy x