View Full Version : first time here - Do I have anxiety or a heart condition?

09-06-2015, 01:43 PM

Out of no where the past few weeks, I have been feeling tightness/discomfort in the left part of my chest. Not sure if this is due to anxiety, angina, or an actual heart disease. I don't think this is heartburn because I have this happen on an empty stomach and also have the feeling after taking heartburn relief pills.

This has happened before and I e-mailed my doctor about it. Considering my age, blood work results, and lifestyle, my doctor ruled out a heart condition. Any advice?

09-06-2015, 05:20 PM
First of all, if the dr has ruled out possible heart conditions the best thing to do is accept his diagnosis. Second, have you have any history of anxiety? Tightness in your chest, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, these are all VERY common symptoms of anxiety. I know it's very hard to accept that just being worried(even subconsciously) can cause physical signs of potential illness but it is anxiety! It might help if you swing over to the stickies and look at the list of anxiety symptoms.