View Full Version : How do I manage ?

Felix Sky
09-05-2015, 11:54 PM
Hi Everyone

I am in a pretty dark place right now so I guess I am just looking for some ideas. Not even sure why, but I feel like reaching out because I feel like crap

Long story, but I'll make it short. My wife, my dog, and I were going away this long weekend. Part of the way into our trip we noticed that my dog was not feeling well. Nothing critical, but we felt like it would be best to just come back. Went to see the Vet. They said it could be "Acid Reflux" or something similar. Dog feels fine other than a few symptoms that are odd. This dog is not just our pet, he is our everything. He is part of me and I worry about him more than anything or anyone.
I don't handle these situations well and right now I am almost out of control. My anxiety is just above and beyond anything I could manage with the coping skills that I use for everything else in life. All I see and think about are the worst case scenarios. Its driving my wife mad because she thinks that I am making things worse. That I did all I could, by taking him to the vet, and now we just have to wait and see. He should get better. And I do think he will get better, but its not helping my symptoms. I am feeling beyond anxious and sad and all that. I have GAD, which is pretty much under control for the most part, also very mild Bi-Polar disorder. I tend to be OK most of them and handle things, more or less, well, but when it comes to the dog, I lose it. I don't know how to manage this type of stress and I know its killing me, my marriage, my dog is stressed out even more, and I hate myself for being that way.

So if anyone has anything smarter to say about this than I can think off, I would appreciate it. Anything helps. Just looking to hear what people do and think in these types of situations