View Full Version : Sudden severe anxiety -and now I know how it feels

09-04-2015, 05:06 PM
I've always considered myself as having anxiety but in recent weeks it has reached new levels. A couple of weeks ago I believe I had a mild attack, when one palpitation caused me to be constantly using the toilet, feeling ill, hot flushes and unable to calm unbearable nerves. On Tuesday after having a long day of walking in warm weather, I began to feel faint and I of course had to sit down. I still felt awful and suddenly panicked that I would not get the hotel (which was quite a way) without fainting. This extreme anxiety made me feel like fainting more. By time I was back I felt quite sick - I was bound to be exhausted but the idea of being ill on holiday was so awful I suddenly had severe anxious feelings and I was having terrible chills and I felt a shortness of breath and genuinely felt I was in danger. I lost any appetite felt nauseous and kept using the toilet and I felt like crying and screaming cause I felt so scared but I just could not calm myself down. I went to bed slightly better and was fine the next day.. It's a mystery how these feelings can cause such horrible experiences. I feel I now know what a panic attack is and there severity. I now feel sorry for all of you who have ever put up with it. People just don't understand- they think you can just calm down. Just wanted to let you all know how I admire all of you who cope with this everyday, it's worse than what people expect although they are not dangerous. I would love any advice you have x. Thanks:)

09-04-2015, 09:27 PM
Hello Kio!

My advice to you would be, "The worries and fears you are experiencing at this moment will not last forever. They are a product of your anxiety, and you are strong enough to overcome this." That single thought has calmed me down more than once on an occasion. Fainting is a very common fear with anxiety!!! Although that is not what I worry about, I read a bunch of stories and other people that do. When you have a panic attack just try to remember it will go away. It's harder than it sounds, and if you find yourself not being able to focus on anything and think straight try a breathing technique! Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 3, breathe out for 7. That way you just focus on your breathing and counting the seconds.


09-05-2015, 10:13 AM
Hello Kio!

My advice to you would be, "The worries and fears you are experiencing at this moment will not last forever. They are a product of your anxiety, and you are strong enough to overcome this." That single thought has calmed me down more than once on an occasion. Fainting is a very common fear with anxiety!!! Although that is not what I worry about, I read a bunch of stories and other people that do. When you have a panic attack just try to remember it will go away. It's harder than it sounds, and if you find yourself not being able to focus on anything and think straight try a breathing technique! Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 3, breathe out for 7. That way you just focus on your breathing and counting the seconds.


Thank you so much Jen!
Thanks for wonderful advice, its comforting to have this forum, as its been a scary few weeks. Its hard to believe sometimes how powerful anxiety can be on your body physically, but I did find that the minute I calmed down, those symptoms did as well. Thank you so much and all the best! xx