View Full Version : Need tips on surviving a road trip!!

09-03-2015, 11:10 PM
Hello, I'm 20 years old and I suffer from GAD, Social anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. My fiancés mother has offered to drive here (Texas) and take us back to Colorado to visit. I really want to go on this trip but others are advising against it because of the severity of my anxiety. I'm going to try anyways! I want to meet my fiancés family. So I was just wondering if anybody has any tips. I'm going to be in a familiar place (I used to live in this town) but with unfamiliar people for a week. I have a HUGE problem with anxiety nausea and vomiting. I'm afraid that I'll get sick during the car ride down there. How do you guys manage your anxiety nausea/puking? Any tips or tricks on dealing with this unfamiliar situation? Thank you in advance.

09-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Do you have a history of motion sickness? If so I've heard that riding in the front seat and refraining from reading helps with that. I've never had actual motion sickness so to help with anxiety while taking long car rides I like to read or watch movies on a laptop. If you do have motion sickness try getting some books on tape or some of the old school radio dramas to listen to on the way there. Basically anything that can take your mind off of the drive. I don't know how you feel about medication but dramamine is a motion sickness medicine that a lot of people use and they say it works pretty well. My boyfriend used it on our last road trip while I drove and it made him feel comfor

09-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Sorry hit the button early! Anyways dramamine made my bf feel comfortable enough to sleep almost the whole way back.

09-04-2015, 06:22 PM
Thank you for the response! I was starting to think this website was dead, haha. No I do not have a history of motion sickness. That's good advice! And I will DEFINITELY be taking Dramamine! Lol.