View Full Version : new anxiety

09-03-2015, 07:07 PM
hey everyone, this is my first post and im here because of anxiety. i guess ive had it my whole life in a way but i developed general anxiety about 4 years ago out of nowhere, about 6 months ago it then developed into serious health anxiety and not being able to stop thinking about having a chronic illness and dying. im seeing a therapist but it just feels pointless as i believe im going to die, as soon as someone mentions an illness or any symptoms i instantly have it. anyway was just curious if anyone has experienced these symptoms of anxiety as ive been getting them lately and i feel like they could be part of a bigger issue.
feeling dumber and as if i cant talk properly, muscle spasms and involuntary movements, loss of coordination (although my doctor said im having a growth spurt), like im losing focus and cannot concentrate on anything, continuous headaches, feeling worse when im in public places, eyesight feels like its deteriorating really quick, i just feel out of it, i feel lazy and as if everyhting is pointless, sore joints,

i was really active and hit the gym 5 times a week and played footy but lately ive been doing nothing and all diet has gone out the window, id like to add im 19 male and ive been to 3 doctors who have said they arent worried about me having anyhting at all and also had blood tests and tumor checkers and everyhting came back better then normal, just curious if anyone is having this issue aswell becasue i dont know what to do, its stopping me from doing anything i want and its hell,
thanks everyone

09-04-2015, 12:06 AM
bump, someone anyone?

09-04-2015, 02:05 AM
Hi rcj

Health anxiety is the worst, but it is not insurmountable. You simply need to believe the 3 doctors you have been to.

Something you can try for the aching of growing pains is to soak in the bath with some Epsom salts. I did this with my 16 year old son and it seemed to work quite well with him for growing pains. But the long and the short of it is that there is nothing uncommon about them, nor are they life threatening.

Get on with being 19, it is an exciting time of your life. You being a "child" of the Information Age, you have access to way more information than is useful. If you happen to google every ache and pain, it is definitely going to tell you that you are dying . You are not.

Probably not quite the answer you were looking for, but my point is simple. Don't allow this anxiety steal your youth away from you. You are only young once. These pains will pass, just believe.


Jimmy jr makhaya
09-04-2015, 04:18 AM
Hey rCj,i have been on the forum till i started having probs with logging in to my acc but now chill,i understnd wher u coming from,i have been just like u a yr ago,even right now i still suffer and i would say,these things will pass,i could even blame people for telling me about people who are sick or who just died cos i would be like ok,that means am also going to,but as time went on,i started realising that,i was being too anxious,and started asking myself ques like,ok,the guy got hit by a car and died on the spot,thats fine,where do i get in,am sitting at homeroom,watching tv,no cars to hit on me,i would feel better but was putting another prob on top of that which i had,cos its easy for our brain to learn things,bad or right,the next thing,u wanna go out,u think of that guy who got hit,u get scared,now it makes sense cos u are literally out,bt whats the worst that could happen when we get out,u see the robbots,when u wanna pass u just wait for it to turn green,so i decided not to tell myself things that comfort me,i wanted something that could take away the feeling,still working on that by the way

09-04-2015, 10:23 PM
thanks for the reply guys, but i just dont understand how anxiety can have such serious physical symptoms, and i also might be overthinking or noticing little things alot more then normal people do but i just cant help but link them to some sort of life threaatening illness and its honestly ruining my life right now, i just dont know if this is normal for someone in my position or not