View Full Version : Anyone feel this way before?

09-03-2015, 06:45 PM
I went to the drs a few days ago because I felt so weird and like i was having neck and back muscle spasms. Can tightness like this cause a weird feeling in the head, like I'm not dizzy exactly or off balanced, i just feel a bit off. and get tired from standing up for so long. all of my drs have said i have extremely tight muscles, but can that caause this feeling. i also get burning in the back of my head and neck. Any help appreciated. it would really mean a lot. any answers. thanks!

09-03-2015, 11:46 PM
I went to the drs a few days ago because I felt so weird and like i was having neck and back muscle spasms. Can tightness like this cause a weird feeling in the head, like I'm not dizzy exactly or off balanced, i just feel a bit off. and get tired from standing up for so long. all of my drs have said i have extremely tight muscles, but can that caause this feeling. i also get burning in the back of my head and neck. Any help appreciated. it would really mean a lot. any answers. thanks!

That was one of my worst symptoms. Especially in my neck. After a while the burning turned into really severe pain, which was awful.

Anxiety really does a number on your body. Like, you could be beaten up and it probably wouldn't stress your body as much as the continued anxiety does.

Progressive muscle relaxation helped me a lot. So too did daily meditation. I think both of those things will reduce your anxiety by 25% if you practice them for a couple of months religiously. You can take magnesium supps too. Magnesium functions as a muscle relaxer, so can help some people. Once you lower your cortisol levels and begin to prevent lactic acid build up, you start feeling better usually. Just those two chemicals alone can make a person feel like death. Doing the three things above will go some way to achieving that. Therapy, self-actualisation and maybe anti-depressants *should* take you the rest of the way.

It was five years ago this month I had my nervous breakdown and was feeling very similar to you. Where does the time go? :)

09-04-2015, 12:57 AM
That was one of my worst symptoms. Especially in my neck. After a while the burning turned into really severe pain, which was awful.

Anxiety really does a number on your body. Like, you could be beaten up and it probably wouldn't stress your body as much as the continued anxiety does.

Progressive muscle relaxation helped me a lot. So too did daily meditation. I think both of those things will reduce your anxiety by 25% if you practice them for a couple of months religiously. You can take magnesium supps too. Magnesium functions as a muscle relaxer, so can help some people. Once you lower your cortisol levels and begin to prevent lactic acid build up, you start feeling better usually. Just those two chemicals alone can make a person feel like death. Doing the three things above will go some way to achieving that. Therapy, self-actualisation and maybe anti-depressants *should* take you the rest of the way.

It was five years ago this month I had my nervous breakdown and was feeling very similar to you. Where does the time go? :)

Thank you so much for responding. I will try that, I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow. It makes me feel a lot better that I am not alone in these sensations. Thanks for the reply and advice!

09-04-2015, 05:31 AM
You're totally welcome!

Massages are awesome too. I was 20 when I got my first panic attack, which meant I was as broke as f***. Had to do everything the cheap way LOL! I hope it's relaxing for you.

How are you getting on with the Paxil?

09-04-2015, 11:15 AM
You're totally welcome!

Massages are awesome too. I was 20 when I got my first panic attack, which meant I was as broke as f***. Had to do everything the cheap way LOL! I hope it's relaxing for you.

How are you getting on with the Paxil?

Haha, yah i used a groupon :))). yah I'm 18 and it sucks, cuz I'm just trying to enjoy life and its so hard rn. Im not sure about the paxil. its my second day on it, and my head feels really weird like heavy and tight, is that normal? And have you ever gotten like burning sensation spots in ur head? Thanks!

09-04-2015, 11:29 AM
Also do u have a Facebook or something. i know thats kind weird haha, but no one else knows what I'm going through and id really love like a mentor, just someone who knows what I'm going through rn

09-04-2015, 12:17 PM
Oh, wow, you're even younger than I was. At least I got through my teen years unscathed.

You can add me on FB, Jesse DeAngelo.

Anyway, yeah, the ADs can make you feel really weird at first. It does all settle down though.