View Full Version : Please Help this newbie!!!

09-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Hello to all
I am new around here..
Well I've been diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder for a couple of years now..
Right now I am currently in Texas, I am leaving to Arizona in October and I would just like some tips, pointers..
because When I came here on airplane a couple months ago, I had a panic attack when we landed. It was horrible!!! So now I am very frightened of even just the thought of going back to the airport.
I do not take any meds(at the moment) so is there anything natural that I could take or do before going to the airport?? Anyone's input would be greatly appreciated=]

Well thank you for your time and God bless all

09-07-2008, 12:19 AM
Try Ginger root or an extract thereof. Also, there are several different brands of anti-motion sickness meds tht contain a drug called meclizine that may make your flight go easier. Bonine and Dramamine 2 or dramamine less drowsy formula both contain meclizine 25mg. These are Over-The-Counter meds, yes, but check with a doctor first as there may be drug interactions or allergic reactions to consider.

I suspect you may have an inner ear problem and that caused both your attack on the plane (changing pressure when landing, motion, confined space all may be triggers) and is most likely the root of your other anxiety related problems as well.

Please look up my post made for me by Bridgie called "Posting for member Paul" to see why I suspect that your problem may be with your inner ears.


09-08-2008, 03:55 AM
Hi there,

Hmmm... I've actually found that the motion sickness tablets work. I take them an hour or so before flying. It makes me sleep like a baby on the flight and it makes me a lot less nervous.

Apart from that, I'm not quite sure... Bach herbal remedies/Kalms can work... or valerian root, the night before.
