View Full Version : Vacation worries

09-03-2015, 09:11 AM
This is so weird, I can go on vacation all by myself and not have a care in the world, but let me go with a group of friends and I all of a sudden fall into "Dad mode"....with worry, will everyone have good time, do I have to worry about anyone's behavior...etc. It is driving me completely mad..it makes no sense...I've known these people for years..great friends and most are a bit older than I am. Why do I feel its my responsibly that everyone have good time and be safe...this happens every-time I travel with friends? I am excited about trip, been planning for two years...but I am worrying myself crazy about the others and can't stop it.

I stopped traveling with groups about six years ago because of this.....I enjoy traveling alone..I worry so much less....I always meet people and make friends when traveling so its not like I'm a recluse, most nights you will find me in a dance club having a blast...so what gives?