View Full Version : Vulnerable to extreme exhaustion

09-03-2015, 07:33 AM
I've just joined to ask this question of other anxiety sufferers. I don't so much think of myself as having anxiety anymore, as I don't feel under any particular stress, but with me anxiety has always been a bit strange, showing itself more as physical symptoms than emotional ones.

My problem seems to be that I am vulnerable to very extreme exhaustion. It comes at times it would be normal to be tired - such as after a lot of exercise, or after there's been lots on at work, or some other type of exertion - but it's very extreme and it takes me ages to recover. I collapsed last week, just suddenly went light headed and went down, and I'm still recovering now. I'm laid up in bed at the moment feeling utterly drained. I've tried to relax, eat and drink plenty etc., but nothing seems to help but time. It normally take one to two weeks for me to recover and in the meantime I'm stuck in bed, really, as I go light-headed or faint if I do anything.

It's definitely not a blood sugar issue as I eat plenty and have had my fasting glucose tested god knows how many times. This has happened loads of times over the years and I'm sure they've checked me for everything - thyroid, diabetes, anaemia etc., one doctor even tested my hormones and looked for parasites! But there's never anything wrong. I'll go back anyway just in case seeing as I collapsed this time in quite a dangerous place where it could have been serious, but I don't think they'll find anything.

As I say, I don't really feel stressed, but I've heard there's a link between idiopathic exhaustion and anxiety and I used to suffer from anxiety so I'm kind of guessing ahead that that will be the cause. I'm not very in touch with my emotions so there have been mildly stressful events happening but I don't tend to react at the time, so it could be a case of me 'bottling up' or 'repressing it' or whatever and it catching up with me. It seems to be getting more severe each time now, though, and has happened three times in the last six months, putting my job at risk to be honest.

Like I say, I'll get checked for anything physical but I'm getting used to there being nothing. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone else suffers from bouts of severe exhaustion (fainting or feeling like you're going to, muscle weakness, severe lethargy, nausea etc.), and if so whether you have found ways to prevent it.


09-05-2015, 12:18 PM
Ah....I think I've worked this out for myself. I thought I wasn't upset, but my problem is often that my mind is disconnected from my body/emotions, and I've just got back to my flat (was staying with parents for a break) and realised I am very unhappy. It's like it was hiding and it's suddenly come to the surface, and I've realised I've been extremely tense, stressed and unhappy for ages. That suddenly makes sense of why I've been feeling so unwell. Sometimes I'm just in the habit of not looking at emotions so I have no idea I'm unhappy until it all just smashes into me at once.

So I guess ignore this question :) Just me being a bit rubbish at knowing myself.