View Full Version : New...brand new.....Completely, utterly beside myself

09-06-2008, 05:30 PM
I don't know where to start. It's like everything makes me anxious.It started at work. My jobs is a type of law enforcement. It totally freaks me out now. The slightest things that I know should not upset me do. The first piece of negative news, no matter how slight, I get up set. I found out that I couldn't have some days, that were approved to be off, off afterall. I started to cry then and there. Luckily, this was in the privacy of my office, via email. I'm freaked out about being freaked out. Self talk is a new concept to me. I don't have it mastered. TO be honest, I don't believe the things that I say to myself. It's like I'm depressed, and anxious about being depressed. I have a little puppy, and she doesn't know right from wrong yet, regarding house rules. I get so frustrated about the tiniest things. It's like it all started so fast. I have this feeling like it wil never get better. I always done well in everything I've done and now this is preventing me from doing anything well, except freaking out....I'm really good at that lately. I don't talk bout this much, and I am hoping for a gentle ear I guess and maybe even some insight or advice.