View Full Version : Please help

08-31-2015, 06:54 PM
Hello all! 38 yo male here. Really hoping to get help here as my life is miserable. About 8 years ago out of the blue I started having gastro problems. Basically just severe bloating, inconsistent stools and fatigue. I've had just about every test possible with all being negative and tried every diet and elimination with no success. I was told its IBS but I have no stomach pains at all and no IBS meds or anti anxiety meds work.

I've always had an outgoing personality and the life of the party but when these digestive issues started so did my anxiety. It's a social thing and I start to sweat and panic. Not in front of everyone but enough people. This is so crazy and has seriously affected my life both work and personal. I've tried several anti anxiety meds but they seem to make things worse. I've not resorted to the narcotic ones yet.

How do I know if my stomach issues are causing the anxiety or the other way around? Any advice would be great...thanks soooooo muc.

08-31-2015, 07:25 PM
Hello Lucky. If I were you, I would address it as both a GI problem and an anxiety problem since you don't know which it is (or it may be both).

That means:

1. Go to a GI doc who you trust and get a full GI workup. Tell the doc what you have tried before, and the results. If the GI doc finds a GI problem, he or she can recommend some medication.

2. See a psychiatrist to discuss your situation, and get some advice about dealing with anxiety -- through medication, or therapy, or other means.

GI symptoms and anxiety can certainly be related. But since you don't really know which came first, and what is the "real cause", I would look at it from both perspectives.

Good luck.

08-31-2015, 11:59 PM
Good advice from Kuma.. Just wondering - do you drink alcohol? I used to have terrible gastro issues when I drank.

Welcome to the forum :)