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09-06-2008, 07:59 AM
Okay so this is my story:

I got a ct scan and was told I had a mild right thermoidal sinusitis and now taking antibiodics for it

I also was then diagnosed with anxiety disorder so there fore I am now on an anti-depresent called endep

I was wanting to know what everyone thought as im starting to get anxious about wether the doctors are right on what is wrong with me and also I am getting anxious about the pills and wondering if I shouold go off the anti-depresents as maybe the thermoidal sinusitis is what caused all of m symptoms and im anxious that if I go off the anti-depresents that I will feel even worse what should I do? or should I go back and speak with my doctor about this[/b]

09-06-2008, 01:43 PM
Well.. In my opinion, i don't think any drugs are helpfull for anxiety, all it does is simply puts the feelings on hold.... And what your saying exacty proves me point.. your now getting anxious about the pills.. which is putting negative thoughts into your mind...... Personally, if your anxiety is copable i would stay right away from anti-depressents... Speak to your doctor mate, there are so many alternatives! :) all the best..

09-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Hi Leemarie,

The doc. giving you a CT scan and then putting you on antibiotics because of the sinus infection is quite common. My mother has had that numerous times and had to take antibiotics. After taking them for about 4-5 days, she started to feel better. It is a slower process, but you will start to feel better soon. :)

I'm not sure about the meds, I've never taken them. However, I would caution you on seeking others reactions to it, as each drug reacts differently to different people. Give it a try, if it's not working or you have concerns, do speak to your doc.

12-21-2010, 12:00 PM
I feel medical science does not help in curing anxiety, it just suppresses it until patient stops taking the meds. I am not saying don't listen to your doc but you should also check with some famous alternative medicine specialist in your area. May be you will find a cure.

12-23-2010, 10:28 PM
I have sinusitis too and thats what made my anxiety flare up again..... if that helps and ps i dont have any input on med situation cause i dont take em:o