View Full Version : Why do I still feel like this if I'm not that anxious?

08-28-2015, 12:50 PM
So, I'll start from the beginning. A few months ago, I got the worst headache I had in my life, like a burning. A week later it went away after I massaged it, I'm guessing it was a trapped nerve or a pulled muscle or something. Then, I went on vacation. I felt great, completely normal. Then when I got back, life was stressful. We recently found out that my mom has myelodysplasia (precursor to leukemia) and so she has had a lot of health issues and hospital visits. I wasn't allowed home, because I contracted a cold, and when I finally felt better, I got a similar sensation in my head. Just a burning in the back of my head, and then that went away, but then I started to feel "weird", like a weird state of mind, as if I was there, but everything kind of felt unreal, and I was hyper observant, I just didn't really feel like myself. and then I thought there was a bump on my head, but it turned out to be nothing and I got tingling in my legs, but I went to the Dr and said she didn't feel a bump and that I should start on anxiety medicaiton. But my parents wouldn't allow it, because they said there was too many side effects. Well after that visit, I felt great for awhile because I knew I was totally fine. Then a couple weeks ago, I thought I was having vision issues, like sensitivty to light, and I thought I was going blind so that started a whole slew of new issues. Then I started college and that definitely has not been a walk in the park. I started to feel weird again, like my surrounding were there but its like I have a new perspective of the world, and I am myself but I'm not. and when I walk around, I'm not dizzy, but I just feel off put, like the world is different super weird. then I have also been getting tingling in my hands and feet which seemed to have subside today. I don't really feel that anxious anymore, but i still feel that distachment from everything. What is going on, is there something really wrong with me, or is this just all anxiety. and how do i stop it, i can't take it anymore. its so frustrating, i just want to feel normal again.

08-29-2015, 09:33 AM
Hey there,

Even though you don't feel that anxious, you most likely are. Anxiety is a tricky thing and a lot of stuff goes on subconsciously. It shows itself in some very weird ways.

Gypsy x