View Full Version : Fear

Keziah Warnes
08-27-2015, 05:31 PM
Hey guys I have struggled with anxiety for nearly a year now, sometimes I have good days and sometimes I get so frustrated with the fear I live with. Everyday I wonder if today will be the day I have a heart attack and am gone from this world forever most of the time I can tell
Myself it's just anxiety but the last few days its been constant this fear of having a heart attack I feel all the symptoms I'm only 26 and I know that anxiety causes these symptoms but it just won't stop nagging at me. How do you guys deal with this? I'm so over feeling like this :( especially when people can't understand the fear that I feel on a daily/hourly basis. HELP :'(

08-27-2015, 05:38 PM
Hi Keziah and welcome, I have been there and i have done that. Been to the ER twice only to walk out with my tail between my legs. If it will ease your mind maybe you could go have a good check up. Had a check up lately?

08-27-2015, 05:54 PM
Hi and welcome :)

I assure you, your heart is (most probably) in great nick. I've had severe anxiety for 20+ years and been smoking since I was 15yo and even mine is still going ok. A blood test will check cholesterol and heart attack risk factors, blood pressure is also a good indicator, and if you still want reassurance you can have more specialised heart tests. The heart is a pretty tough muscle and you have a lot of time on your side.

Gypsy x