View Full Version : Struggling with Health Anxiety

08-26-2015, 01:53 PM
Hello, first time posting. In the midst of a pretty intense health anxiety scare. Struggling with dizziness, lots of tension of the upper back, intervals of pressure in the ears, and not really weakness per say, but my legs often feel "heavy". Been struggling with these symptoms since late June. Started off with one random episode of feeling faint which set my anxiety into overdrive. Committed the cardinal sin and researched and of course found terrible things that I might have. I was initially fearful that I had a heart condition, but that fear has now changed to fears of a brain tumor. It is consuming me! Finally went to doctor where she conducted a series of neurological tests in which the doctor determined that it was highly unlikely that I did not have a brain tumor. She also did bloodwork and an EKG which all came back normal. I am having a hard accepting what the doctor said. She felt if the tests came back clean that the most likely source of these symptoms was anxiety. I am trying hard to have a positive attitude, but I am struggling as I am still having these symptoms. Has anyone else struggled with these type of symptoms?
