View Full Version : bisoprolol vs propranolol For performance anxiety

08-26-2015, 10:03 AM
Hi, I have performance anxiety when speaking in social situations for work. I get the shaky voice, sweaty palms, loss of breath, and start to tremble. I was prescribed klonopin and had some efficacy but still had the negative physical effects listed above. After some research I became interested in beta blockers. It seems like propranolol had the best reviews for this type of anxiety. After talking to my doctor today, he agreed beta blockers would be good for me but prescribed bisoprolol. Can someone speak to the difference of the two and if anyone has tried either I would love to hear your results. Thanks!

08-26-2015, 11:29 AM
Any advice? So far feeling very tired/ out of it 4 hours after first dose of bisoprolol 2.5 mg.

08-26-2015, 11:45 AM
Expose yourself to these situations more. The more you do it the less the anxiety will be. Meds aren't really the answer imo. They'll mask symptoms but not cure the original issues that are causing them. Perform well on meds and you'll say to yourself "hey these meds are great". Perform great without meds and you'll start saying to yourself "Hey I'm great". Now THAT is the solid foundation to overcome anxiety with.


08-26-2015, 12:06 PM
I agree and have heard that a lot. However, I have tried and been in the same industry and situations for 2 years. I have done psychotherapy and meditation. While those helped the mental aspect, I haven't found anything to help with the physical aspect. In any pressure situation my voice trembles and I sound like a fool. I hate it but have tried everything else.

08-26-2015, 12:10 PM
Google changing core beliefs. Often there's issues in the past which affect you in the present. Give it a try, see what you find. Don't hate it though, hate and negative emotions empower anxiety. Love yourself, all aspects of yourself. You can't combat anxiety with negative emotions - it doesn't work that way. I get it though, it can be infuriating at times, but don't let it get you down.
