View Full Version : Do you feel really tired when you wake up?

Steven Miller
08-26-2015, 09:49 AM
I do, and I am trying to figure out if it is anxiety related.

I have trouble falling asleep and then I always wake up feeling incredibly groggy and tired. It takes me an hour+ to feel at all awake and not miserable. Then I am still tired until almost the afternoon!

At one point I was put on a LOT of ativan and I started waking up feeling wide awake and refreshed. So I thought to myself, "hmm.. maybe it is the anxiety that makes me so tired in the morning?" But it could have been something else...

Do you feel really tired when you wake up?

08-26-2015, 01:57 PM
I do, and I am trying to figure out if it is anxiety related.

I have trouble falling asleep and then I always wake up feeling incredibly groggy and tired. It takes me an hour+ to feel at all awake and not miserable. Then I am still tired until almost the afternoon!

At one point I was put on a LOT of ativan and I started waking up feeling wide awake and refreshed. So I thought to myself, "hmm.. maybe it is the anxiety that makes me so tired in the morning?" But it could have been something else...

Do you feel really tired when you wake up?

I did up until I was put on sleep meds, but now for last 2 months I am always tired, most days I can't wait to get to bed, but it still does not help. Last two weeks have been rough, just started an antibiotic and one of the side effects is insomnia...fortunately it has not triggered an anxiety attack.

08-27-2015, 08:45 AM
Yeah. I have a lot of trouble winding down and then waking up. Like once I'm asleep, I'm ASLEEP. I'm shocking in the morning and need about three cups of tea and a few cigarettes to feel remotely normal.
