View Full Version : Cycles....

08-25-2015, 04:39 PM
I have days where I'm really, really anxious. It seems that nothing will ever make me calm. Other days, I am really relaxed. I can go from calm to neurotic in two seconds flat. What are your triggers? What are your cycles like? Does anyone else go thru this?

08-25-2015, 04:43 PM
My triggers mainly focused on my health anxiety

The words, heart, heart attack, stroke, bypass, high blood pressure, etc... were the words that would give me that beautiful adrenaline dump in order to start the panic

Every now and again, I still feel the adrenaline surge for whatever trigger hits me but now I know it is just anxiety and it stops

08-26-2015, 06:08 AM
I cycle between depression and anxiety. I used to cycle pretty frequently but meds have helped with that somewhat.

When it comes to anxiety I have a lot of triggers. Stress can take it over the deep end and when I don't feel well or are around someone that is ill that causes my anxiety to hit the roof. I have a lot of phobias so being exposed to situations that involve those fears also causes me a lot of anxiety.

08-26-2015, 02:04 PM
I have days where I'm really, really anxious. It seems that nothing will ever make me calm. Other days, I am really relaxed. I can go from calm to neurotic in two seconds flat. What are your triggers? What are your cycles like? Does anyone else go thru this?

It depends on how much rest I have. If am am tired due to sleep loss, the slightest thing will set off a meltdown, just someone being a little short with me will do it. If I am rested I handle things much better... Last year I had a bad sleep cycle, basically 4 days of no sleep, boss reminded me of a mistake I made, Melt down happened...I was convinced I was going to get fired etc...dry heaves, unable to eat etc....ended up missing about a week of work.