View Full Version : Introducing myself / Frustrating persistent symptoms.

08-24-2015, 12:51 PM
Hi friends!

I hope this finds you all well and happy. It was suggested I also repost this in the general section to connect with more of you :)

I'll try to keep this intro brief...

In short, I'm 36, had my first full on Panic Attack in my early 20's, though I believe I'd had them as a child too. It's been a long journey, ups and downs, but for the most part, I have a good handle and understanding of my Anxiety and Panic attacks (I've been mainly diagnosed as having GAD). Though having said that, I've felt that even at my best, there's always been a trigger, or symptoms lurking around the corner, ready to bite me on the butt.

Due to a stressful year, I've been experiencing high levels of anxiety and now panic again (nothing like it was in the early years still, but nonetheless so frustrating, and it crushes my spirit at times, despite my usually passionate and motivated mindset) This is why I joined the forums, I think it's really healthy to be involved in a community, and in large part.. I'm really wanting to compare notes.. My physical symptoms of anxiety is what nags me the most.. I have weird triggers.. such as exertion (lifting wweights, sudden runnning etc..).. I'm confident enough that these triggers are caused in large part by anxiety, because it's when anxiety is at it's worst, the symptoms are too.

Sorry to go on, but it's for the reason stated before I finally joined up here.. I'm so down and frustrated about this, I can't even begin to tell you guys Even just before, the simple act of crouching down, then getting up quickly, gives me that weird hot ice feeling through my lower abdomen and back, and my heart starts racing.. I feel that adrenaline surge. All the anxiety signs. It's frustrating because after scouring Google for the longest time.. I can't find anyone else with info on this. I believe that IBS, or some form of it may play a part.

Anyway, I apologise for putting all the in my intro! But if anyone at all can relate to this sort of weird physical symptom trigger, I can't even tell you how amazing and helpful that would be. Right now I just need to reach out to others, that is so healing unto itself.

Have a great day, and I hope you all receive the healing you deserve


John. Australia.

08-24-2015, 05:36 PM
Hey Jo - Welcome again

Weird physical symptom trigger, a song, a certain person or place, a book, a fly......

It doesn't matter what it is. Everyone creates their own trigger(s) and you have created yours. They are unique to you, That is why people often feel that they are the only ones that suffer or no one else is as bad

There is a reason that you have developed an anxiety disorder. I certainly don't know why and you may or may not know either

But the fact remains that here you are now. You believe you were anxious as a kid, like most of us here when we think back. Something caused that and someday you may understand what it was

I was diagnosed with so many different forms of anxiety that the doc needed a second page to finish the list.

Sometimes it is just helpful to see you are not the only one livin the anxiety dream. And a great dream it is!

So I would offer that you don't treat the symptoms of anxiety but learn as much about anxiety as you can anxietycoach.com is a great place to start. Understanding is a huge part of knowing how to get past it

If you have good days and some bad days, expect that to always be the case. Anxiety will never just stop. Sorry if that isn't what you want to hear but it is a fact

This is a great start being here. Very helpful and supportive. You will be able to get quickly past things once you get focused on the right things

08-24-2015, 05:47 PM
Hello there John and a warm
Welcome to the forum:) I to have had Anxiety for 23 years now and think I've had every feeling trigger going,they wear you the bugger out don't they
It's very frustrating I know,they come and go and it's like a big roller coaster of feelings
Do you take anything to help you with them?

09-13-2015, 02:39 AM
Just wanted to post and touch base guys.. em1, thanks for your response too as well as Nixon :)

I sent a detailed reply, and posted it.. though when I came back to my thread, it was gone! Very frustrating.

Hope you're all doing well.

I seem to be battling this every day at moment.. not necessarily panic attacks, but the 'trigger' we discussed. Nixon, you made a good point about a trigger which can be pretty much anything. The issue I'm having once again, is figuring out if the chicken orthe egg is coming first. I even went to my doctor, and for the first time in years (I've never been a hypochondriac), I actually felt something may have been overlooked. Though I take comfort, if that's how you put it.. in knowing it's the anxiety, I remind myself that when I've experienced this before, it's been when anxeity and stress levels had been persistent throughout my year.

This is the part I'm reaching out with and wish with all my heart I could connect about: Although I've experienced panic attacks, and it's fallout, for 15 years almost (and had great success in dealing with them too), this specific trigger, and the panic that ensues, is equally as terryfing.. and debilitating. When I'm in it, I feel an adrenaline rush stemming from my lower body, and when it takes hold.. any further movement will make it so much worse. I'm so determined, and I'm not letting it rule my life..though I have to admit, even my confidence has gone down somewhat, because no matter how much I can convince myself that its just a 'trigger' and that I'm in control etc... the results and effects are so physical, it has meant I've avoided the gym (where weights training triggers panic alot), as I'm at my absolute wits end with this. I've scoured the internet to see if anyone else has gone through this specific thing, though I truly and honestly barely can find a thing, except for maybe one thread that seems on point.

Sorry to rant on again, it's been a difficult few months with this.. that's my issue too.. this hangs on for months, not just days or weeks.

Not sure any of that made sense, but thankyou to all of you for being a support network, I truly hope I can be the same.

Have a beautiful day.