View Full Version : Article on the importance of exercise to depression/anxiety

08-24-2015, 06:29 AM
Anyone who has read my previous posts knows I attribute a huge part of my defeat of anxiety to physical exercise. I simply cannot overstate its importance in any non-medicinal approach to overcoming anxiety, panic and depression. It is an incredibly effective route to making contact with your own self love - and ultimately it's lack of contact with that self love which is responsible for these symptoms.

Anyway, I wanted to share this article, on The Guardian, which highlights this very point. The correspondent was essentially suicidal, but got through it - and then some - by discovering first walking (in nature reserves - excellent for practising mindfulness) and then walking.

Have a read! (I am unable to post links, so add the www yourself)


08-24-2015, 08:30 AM
Thanks for that :)