View Full Version : Too scared to sleep...advice please!!
08-23-2015, 05:17 PM
I have severe health anxiety and lately I am too scared to sleep in case I don't wake up! I fell asleep earlier and it was the worst sleep I've had between dreaming of the pain I'm in and half waking up because of pain! I've been told by the doctor that all of my symptoms (jaw ache, chest pains, throat problems etc) are all anxiety related but I can't shake of the thought that they are symptoms of something more severe and that my doctor is just blaming it on anxiety. When I tried to explain my fears to him, he once again blamed my anxiety.
Is there anything I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as these thoughts are driving me crazy, I'm struggling to cope!
Hello there do you take anything to help you?
Are you on any medications?
If your not maybe you should try some camomile tea and lavender pillow spray and bath oils etc
You could also try things like rescue remedy etc that are all herbal
Some they don't work for but some they do
Have you been diagnosed with anxiety?
08-23-2015, 05:47 PM
My doctor refuses to put me on tablets, I used to be on anti depressants but he helped me come off them and won't put me on any more even though I know I should be on them.
I've not been formally diagnosed with anxiety but I know that's what it is!
I've tried herbal remedies before so I think I'll try them again if I don't go back on tablets.
Thank you for your advice.
I suggest you see a psychiatrist who can provide psychotherapy and, to the extent necessary, prescribe medications. You don't want to live like this forever. And you don't have to. But this sort of thing does not tend to just disappear on its own.
08-23-2015, 06:13 PM
I always used to spray some lavender oil on my pillow, leave my light on, and not really try to go to sleep, but instead spend an hour or two imagining really relaxing things. Maybe I'd be walking through a lush forest or be on a peaceful beach somewhere. Eventually I'd drift off. It was always easier if others were home with me. It reassured me that if I did wake up having a stroke or something, somebody was there to call for help.
You're in the acute stage of your anxiety disorder right now. This period is extremely difficult. Severe pains and insane symptoms aren't rare when you're going through this type of intense anxiety. Short-term there's not really an awful lot you can do, other than take a benzo. If you can't get one of them or don't want to take one, trying not to add secondary anxiety is important. For example, if the fear arises you have something wrong, distract yourself, rather than think, "Omg, that could be right." By doing that you just add more anxiety onto your current anxiety, and that creates a form of hell on earth.
If you are worried you're sick, get your doctor to give you a blood test and a quick heart test if you're worried about that. Both of these tests are easy to get, virtually painless, and check for a LOT of things. That should reduce some of your worry. Long-term you'll need to find a way to regain control of your brain. Right now your amygdala (your fear center) anticipates danger, so you're getting all of these horrible fight or flight symptoms. As you enforce logic, this fear center begins to realize there isn't a problem, and starts to calm down. This is when you begin to return to normal. Encouraging your mind to pursue logic can be done using CBT and meditation. The latter is easy to do, and can even be started today if you can't sleep.
08-23-2015, 06:13 PM
Im sorry. I hate when this happens. it really is horrible. What i have done, is surrounded myself with people. for example, have someome stay over at your house and distract u and watch some tv. that always helps me, because I'm not alone in my thoughts. obviously thats a temporary solution, but thats what i would do for now.
My doctor refuses to put me on tablets, I used to be on anti depressants but he helped me come off them and won't put me on any more even though I know I should be on them. I've not been formally diagnosed with anxiety but I know that's what it is! I've tried herbal remedies before so I think I'll try them again if I don't go back on tablets. Thank you for your advice.
If that's how you feel maybe get some advice from another doctor? I think if something works for you then stick with it
Whatever you choose its your choice at the end of the day :) I wish you well
08-23-2015, 06:26 PM
Unfortunately, I think the secondary anxiety has already kicked in. This period of anxiety started about 2 months ago but it's been about 2 weeks since it got severe! Luckily I'm not alone, my partner is here with me but my anxiety is at its peak at night when he's asleep. I know he'd be willing to stay awake with me but I couldn't expect him up do that.
I'm going back to the doctors Thursday so I'm going to insist he does the tests to make sure there's no underlying problems. I'm also going to ask him to oput me on tablets, at least just until I have control over my anxiety again. I'm tired of feeling like this and I have to stop it from taking over my life!
Unfortunately, I think the secondary anxiety has already kicked in. This period of anxiety started about 2 months ago but it's been about 2 weeks since it got severe! Luckily I'm not alone, my partner is here with me but my anxiety is at its peak at night when he's asleep. I know he'd be willing to stay awake with me but I couldn't expect him up do that. I'm going back to the doctors Thursday so I'm going to insist he does the tests to make sure there's no underlying problems. I'm also going to ask him to oput me on tablets, at least just until I have control over my anxiety again. I'm tired of feeling like this and I have to stop it from taking over my life!
I know just how your feeling right now I have been there more than once
You will get better and you may get down days but you will get more good days
Keep fighting,your a very strong person indeed
We all are in here
Take cake
08-23-2015, 10:30 PM
hi em1 im going through the same exact symtoms its driving me crazy the pain in my jaw is the worst sometimes it feels like my face is falling but its not i have ptsd and severe anxiety im on meds so hopefully it will get better hope you get some help:confused:
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