View Full Version : How long can anxiety attacks last?

Cosmin H
08-21-2015, 03:11 PM
Hi, I'm Cosmin I'm new on this forum. I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder two months ago because of sleep problems, palpitations, heat waves, headache etc..
I've consulted many doctors but none of them could explain those feelings so they said it's because I'm anxious.

That's it with the presentation I wanted to ask if anxiety attacks can last all day long. I'm afraid that I may have heart problems.
Today, all day long I had chest pains, I feel something like a discomfort, like a squeeze, shortness of breath, my palms sweating, my hands and feet feeling numb, dizziness and weakness. The chest pains, the feeling of dizziness and weakness lasted all day long. I felt like choking the entire day. I felt like this before but for a short period of time.

08-21-2015, 03:17 PM
Hey Cosmin. Welcome to the forum.

Where's your name from by the way? I've never heard it before, but I like it.

As far as anxiety attacks go, the severe ones last for around 5-20 minutes. These attacks are the type where you're literally paralyzed with fear.

As far as anxiety goes, you can feel the symptoms of anxiety for hours, days, months, or even years. As long as your brain believes there is a problem, it will keep releasing adrenaline. Sure, people get breaks in between these spurts of adrenaline, but the symptoms are almost constant.

I remember having the symptoms you mentioned for around 3 months. But I had no idea what anxiety was back then. I thought I was dying of a brain tumour or a heart problem. Of course that made everything worse, and made my symptoms stick around for much longer.

Recognizing that you're suffering from anxiety and getting on with your life as normal can be really helpful. It can signal to the brain that the fear of danger is a false alarm; that it's not needed. Soon you'll begin to notice your symptoms disappear.

Cosmin H
08-21-2015, 03:29 PM
Hi, thank you for your answer, it makes sense what you are saying.

Yes, it is true, the fear doesn't last very long, I kind of get used to have all of this feelings.

It is a greek name very common in my country, Romania, it means order/ornament.

08-21-2015, 04:19 PM
Bine ați venit la această comunitate. Nu avem mulți romāni aici, dar există oameni din toate colturile lumii. Sper fiind aici vă ajută să aflați despre anxietate, si sa se simta mai bine! (Ne pare rău abilitățile mele de limba romānă nu sunt foarte bune).

08-21-2015, 05:00 PM
Hi, I'm Cosmin I'm new on this forum. I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder two months ago because of sleep problems, palpitations, heat waves, headache etc..
I've consulted many doctors but none of them could explain those feelings so they said it's because I'm anxious.

That's it with the presentation I wanted to ask if anxiety attacks can last all day long. I'm afraid that I may have heart problems.
Today, all day long I had chest pains, I feel something like a discomfort, like a squeeze, shortness of breath, my palms sweating, my hands and feet feeling numb, dizziness and weakness. The chest pains, the feeling of dizziness and weakness lasted all day long. I felt like choking the entire day. I felt like this before but for a short period of time.

When my anxiety is really bad, i can feel this way all day long for months. I also believed i had a heart problem. Back in November i developed palpitations for the first time ever. They were constant. My heart rate would go up to 130. Well, 2 ekgs, 2 chest xrays, a heart ultrasound and a holter monitor later and i have a very healthy heart. The holter monitor confirmed that my heart rate goes up to 126, without exercise. And they said it's ok.

I know how you feel exactly. You should try getting a holter monitor, it will really put your mind at ease.

Cosmin H
08-21-2015, 09:07 PM
Hei Kuma, thank you. It really helps talking with others experiencing same things as you.

Cosmin H
08-21-2015, 09:12 PM
It sounds bad from me to say this, but it sounds revealing that someone else had more serious problems and it still has a healthy heart. I've put a holter monitor for 24 hours, but back then I didn't felt this bad. Thank you for replying, it really helps.