View Full Version : Looking for a logical point of view on my situation. (Health Anxiety)
08-20-2015, 02:01 PM
Hi everyone!
I was hoping for a few people to tell me that maybe I'm a little illogical and that I need to just get moving with my life. My entire life I have had a little health anxiety. Its never been that bad. I would worry about the occasional disease or something and would get over it in a few days. That all changed this year.
I went to the doctors for a sinus infection and the nurse and doctor both absolutely freaked out about my pulse being like ~120. They demanded that I go to the emergency room as soon as possible because I was most likely extremely dehydrated. I ended up having an EKG, CBC blood test, Kidney function blood tests, Heart enzyme (?) blood tests, and I got two bags of saline or whatever. They found zero abnormalities and sent me away with a minor sinus infection and dehydration.
Ever since then, I have been terrified of everything health related. I thought I had Colorectal cancer (Unlikely as I am 25 and have no family history of it), heart attacks, high blood pressure, etc etc. I ended up at the doctors a few more times for crazy bad anxiety, recently started taking Celexa (GAD).
Well anyway... I was perfect for 6 months and then my anxiety hit again. Lost feeling in my arm. Thought it was MS or a stroke. It was a pinched nerve. But this triggered everything. I ended up biting the bullet and switching to the doctor I saw over the winter so I have to go for an intake exam in October. Mostly because hes a great guy who understood me and never overreacted.
The only problem is that I am freaking out about a doctors appointment in 2 months. I am having trouble concentrating because I am playing out the appointment in my head and I assume that I will be sent to the hospital again for no reason.
I should point out that I am only 25 years old, not overweight, don't smoke, never did drugs, rarely drink. My family history has NO diseases in it. Am I being irrational? How can I stop worrying about a doctors appointment in 2 months?
(Also... I have had CBT. It works wonders for my major concerns. No so much this. Its a nagging voice in the back of my head telling me the appointment will go badly.)
08-20-2015, 02:24 PM
I'm going through the exact same thing as you so I know just how you're feeling. Like you, I've had minor health anxiety my whole life ( I'm 28) but this last month it has been severe, so you're not alone!
08-20-2015, 02:42 PM
Ahh the nagging voice in the back of your head. I really hate that guy. What I usually try and do is try to take those negative thoughts and drown them out. My old therapist used to call it changing the tape (or cd if you want to be modern). Its time to take that old, nasty negative thought tape and throw it in the trash and trade it in for positive thoughts that say you can do this. Because I know you can do it.
As to whether your thoughts are irrational...probably but most thoughts that cause anxiety are most likely irrational.
I know how health anxiety goes though. Just got back from a pdoc appointment and I'm kind of a germaphobe. Made a mistake of touching some magazines in the waiting room and all I could think about it how many germy people had touched them before me. Ended up doing some diaphragmatic breathing to keep myself from having a panic attack.
08-20-2015, 02:52 PM
Hi everyone!
I was hoping for a few people to tell me that maybe I'm a little illogical and that I need to just get moving with my life. My entire life I have had a little health anxiety. Its never been that bad. I would worry about the occasional disease or something and would get over it in a few days. That all changed this year.
I went to the doctors for a sinus infection and the nurse and doctor both absolutely freaked out about my pulse being like ~120. They demanded that I go to the emergency room as soon as possible because I was most likely extremely dehydrated. I ended up having an EKG, CBC blood test, Kidney function blood tests, Heart enzyme (?) blood tests, and I got two bags of saline or whatever. They found zero abnormalities and sent me away with a minor sinus infection and dehydration.
Ever since then, I have been terrified of everything health related. I thought I had Colorectal cancer (Unlikely as I am 25 and have no family history of it), heart attacks, high blood pressure, etc etc. I ended up at the doctors a few more times for crazy bad anxiety, recently started taking Celexa (GAD).
Well anyway... I was perfect for 6 months and then my anxiety hit again. Lost feeling in my arm. Thought it was MS or a stroke. It was a pinched nerve. But this triggered everything. I ended up biting the bullet and switching to the doctor I saw over the winter so I have to go for an intake exam in October. Mostly because hes a great guy who understood me and never overreacted.
The only problem is that I am freaking out about a doctors appointment in 2 months. I am having trouble concentrating because I am playing out the appointment in my head and I assume that I will be sent to the hospital again for no reason.
I should point out that I am only 25 years old, not overweight, don't smoke, never did drugs, rarely drink. My family history has NO diseases in it. Am I being irrational? How can I stop worrying about a doctors appointment in 2 months?
(Also... I have had CBT. It works wonders for my major concerns. No so much this. Its a nagging voice in the back of my head telling me the appointment will go badly.)
Its good you have a DR that understands you, I have never had health anxiety mine is more social...however I just had a little health scare and i will admit I was anxious about it, but I tried not to let my self go to the worst possible conclusion, yes i will admit i googled some issues for me a good idea...I just like to know all options. It turned out to be exactly the simplest diagnosis. Try not to worry until there is something to worry about and if you self diagnose from the internet, stop, especially if it gets you worked up. No amount of worry will make you better or worse, just consume your life. Try to take it easy. Hope all turns out well.
08-20-2015, 03:20 PM
Thanks everyone.
I am trying my best to not google anything... because frankly... google got me into this situation in the first place.
As for the nagging voice... I try and be positive. But then the negativity always comes back. Which is bizarre... because this is simply an intake exam. I have been at the hospital 3 times. I have been to the doctors 4 times. I have no health issues. When I'm rational... it sounds like its going to be a routine exam and then I won't see my doctor for a couple of years. But the irrational part makes me think that my doctor is going to send me to the hospital or for countless blood tests.
The worst part... I have no symptoms other than anxiety symptoms. A nervous stomach and a little bit of sleeplessness. But I still keep thinking my doctor will find something.
I want to overcome this anxiety... because I know there will be situations in my life more stressful than this. Can anyone else lend some coping methods. How can I live my life?
08-21-2015, 07:06 AM
This is going to sound idiotic, but i find watching fish to be very calming...I have a tank at home and luckily the specialist i was sent to had a big Salt water tank in lobby....I stared at it whole hour I was in waiting room...find something calming to you and do it. Sorry this is not much help. Otherwise I twiddle my thumbs
08-21-2015, 09:22 AM
This is going to sound idiotic, but i find watching fish to be very calming...I have a tank at home and luckily the specialist i was sent to had a big Salt water tank in lobby....I stared at it whole hour I was in waiting room...find something calming to you and do it. Sorry this is not much help. Otherwise I twiddle my thumbs
That is soo not idiotic. I like watching the stuff move around in my lava lamp and find it super calming. I've actually fallen asleep more than once when I've done that while stressed out. I also agree with you about finding something calming :)
08-21-2015, 07:02 PM
Ahhh health anxiety - my anxiety of choice lol. That's what has caused my misery for the last few months. My best advice based on my experience - do NOT google symptoms, meds side effects, etc. It will undoubtedly make the anxiety worse lol.
Those of us with health anxiety love to assume the worst even though there is no basis. A minor cold is a deadly disease for sure lol.
Sorry to be humorous but that's how I deal with my anxiety.
I constantly remind myself that there is nothing actually wrong with me despite the "feelings" I may have. Find something you enjoy & let it take your mind off the anxious feelings. Deal with today only - don't think about what's in the future. When those thoughts creep in, refocus and think of the moment you are in. I hope you find relief from your anxiety!
08-21-2015, 09:14 PM
The thing about life is that you never know what's going to happen. People with health anxiety need to remember that they need to make a choice, to live life in fear( and what kind of life is that anyway? ) or face your inner monsters, avoidance leads to more fear and thus anxiety. So whatever happens never and I mean NEVER stop doing something because you are afraid. I'm sorry but doctors are not perfect just like any other human being and have a part to blame on the anxiety of some of their patients, the thing about most doctors is that they look at the physical symptoms and not the mental ones, yes your heart was beating at 120, but 120 is perfectly normal for someone with anxiety, also 120 is perfectly normal for your heart, no different that exercising at a slow pace.
You need to understand that anxiety/depression is a downward spiral, you can't see it until you are in it. The sinus infection and the health scare after it just opened the "lid".
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