View Full Version : PTSD...i describe a death in this..just a warning.

08-20-2015, 01:29 PM
Does it just "go away" on its own? My counselor told me it does, the nightmares have stopped but i dont know.

Ill tell you what happened.

August 18th, 2008, my dad had COPD and woke up not feeling right, i found out he stopped taking his meds a week prior. So he said that he needed to go to the ER. I helped him down the stairs cause he was having trouble walking. I got downstairs with him and he fell on the chair and started shaking violently, so we called 911. My mom tried CPR on him. It happened sooooo fast. The ambulance came and he died in the ambulance. They brought him back. He died at the hospital, they brought him back. He died in the life flight to another hospital, they brought him back. Well, he was later determined to be brain dead from lack of oxygen. We decided to take him off of life support as this is what he would want. This whole while i did not process the situation, i was shaken up and was a rock for my brother and mother. Well, i started to suffer from nightmares for monnnnthhhs. My dad would be alive in my dream and i would say "oh my god your back!!" And we would hang out and then he would just start dying and decaying before my eyes and i would wake up. And then started the panic attacks, it lasted all day for months. Limbs and face going numb, trouble breathing. I started visiting the er on a daily basis to get my vitals checked. (This was way out of character for me as i was never concerned about my health before). I got bit by a tick, and that scared me to death. I did get checked for lymes 3 months later and i was ok. Well every now and then i will get a nightmare about my dad, not every night though. I developed hypochondria and i feel foggy all the time for years now. I have trouble concentrating for years now more so than ever. I cant remember anything, i need post it notes for everything. I freak out about funerals, i get panic attacks or i avoid them (which is awful, i know). I just havent been right ever since that day. My counselor said i do not suffer from it anymore as it just goes away. But i find it unbelievable.

Was i not suffering from it at all to begin with, can it just go away, or should i get a second opinion?

08-20-2015, 07:11 PM
Dreaming about hanging with your dad is cool. It is a shame the dream ends so poorly

If you are asking if anxiety just goes away, it doesn't. Now without some work on your part

Anxiety causes lots of symptoms and depending what symptoms you focus on, they are the things that cause stress and panic

You have seen doctors so you know that physically you are fine. You have anxiety issues. You focus on something negative and that causes the fight or fligh response. This is a behavior you learned. It wasn't in you waiting to appear

Just as you learned that behavior, you can "unlearn" distressing behaviors. You must learn and accept that you have anxiety. That doesn't mean you always will. Just that you have it now

I often recommend this site since it is simple to follow and is very helpful in outlining how you can get past what you are going through


Check it out and it will give you some knowledge to give you some confidence to take this on

Very easily beatable once you get on the right path