View Full Version : Is it Worth Visiting the Doctors?

08-20-2015, 05:29 AM

I'm new here and I'm not really sure what I'm doing! I've had a rough time recently and I've began looking into anxiety. I've experienced a lot of symptoms, but I'm not sure whether I'm blindly connecting the dots to make things fit, or I'm 'faking' it somehow. As I am a student, it's hard to find time to visit a GP, so I wanted to see what people with the condition think before I try making an appointment.

I have bad claustrophobia where crowds are concerned and I hate my movement being restricted. However, recently after a very stressful period I've began to feel worse, and on reflection, it's happened a lot. Where I feel sick, shaky, light headed, my heart races and I start breathing shallowly. This happens when I think certain things, for example the possibility I've put on weight, or if someone is getting violently angry. Another example is around exam periods, I seem to be slightly more affected than those around me, sometimes I'll start imagining the worse case scenario and start freaking out. Another factor is how irritable I become around people, and after an emotional period, I'll start feeling numb and detached.

So, should I get it checked out? Or am I getting anxious over nothing?

08-20-2015, 06:01 AM
Hi and welcome :)

Yep, sounds like anxiety to me. The thing is though, doctors can only rule out other things, they can't do a specific test for anxiety.

Do you have trouble sleeping? Either falling asleep or staying asleep? That's a pretty good indicator for me. My sleep goes completely to hell when my anxiety is bad.

Gypsy x

08-20-2015, 06:15 AM
Hi and welcome :)

Yep, sounds like anxiety to me. The thing is though, doctors can only rule out other things, they can't do a specific test for anxiety.

Do you have trouble sleeping? Either falling asleep or staying asleep? That's a pretty good indicator for me. My sleep goes completely to hell when my anxiety is bad.

Gypsy x

What Gypsy said, see a Dr. You sound just like my college years. Best wishes and peace.

08-20-2015, 07:21 AM
Welcome to the forums! Hopefully we can help you out. Echoing what's already been said, you should definitely go get checked out. Getting a professional diagnosis will help put your mind at ease. And as a student, the stress can pile up pretty quickly, so best to tackle the problem ASAP so you won't get overwhelmed when things get hectic.