View Full Version : Looking for help.

08-19-2015, 11:45 AM

So recently my anxiety returned after many months of not bothering me. I'd had enough and finally decided to visit my GP. My Gp basically told me there was nothing he was worried about (after I exsplained my symptoms too him) but I just don't feel satisfied. My anxiety always focuses on obsessing about hearing thoughts and loosing my mind. I have this thing where every time I hear a slight muffled noice, I panic and think that I heard it in my head. It's a really strange one I know lol. It's like I'm constantly waiting to start hearing voices, even though I know I won't! So every slight noise I hear, my thoughts are that it was a voice in my mind. I repeat my name in my mind over and over like an obsession! I can't help doing it! Ever turned to your friend and said "did you just say my name?" For them to reply "no". Ye, well it's like that constantly, analysing each sound to sound like my name. I know to most people this will sound crazy, but surely someone must know what I'm going on about? Thanks.

08-19-2015, 06:11 PM

So recently my anxiety returned after many months of not bothering me. I'd had enough and finally decided to visit my GP. My Gp basically told me there was nothing he was worried about (after I exsplained my symptoms too him) but I just don't feel satisfied. My anxiety always focuses on obsessing about hearing thoughts and loosing my mind. I have this thing where every time I hear a slight muffled noice, I panic and think that I heard it in my head. It's a really strange one I know lol. It's like I'm constantly waiting to start hearing voices, even though I know I won't! So every slight noise I hear, my thoughts are that it was a voice in my mind. I repeat my name in my mind over and over like an obsession! I can't help doing it! Ever turned to your friend and said "did you just say my name?" For them to reply "no". Ye, well it's like that constantly, analysing each sound to sound like my name. I know to most people this will sound crazy, but surely someone must know what I'm going on about? Thanks.

Hey, I can't say that I have the same fear per say, but I do have a huge fear of losing my mind. My dad suffered from depression for years and then in 2012 he started getting paranoid and wouldn't talk on his phone because he heard cracking noises and he would think and say his phone was being bugged. Then in November 2012 he took his own life :( so everyday my fear of "going crazy" sometimes gets the best of me and it's all I can think about :(

08-20-2015, 07:39 AM
Yep. I replied to your other post. I tell you, tension does strange things to your mind.

I was terrified of going insane for a long time. If anxiety could do it though, I'd be in a mental institution by now seriously.
