View Full Version : Anxiety, regression??

08-19-2015, 08:47 AM
I'm a married 20 yr old and my marriage might be falling apart and everything seems to be crumbling. I see a psychiatrist but they're not much help since I don't want to take meds and that's all they want to give me, and I can't see a therapist at the moment. I've dealt with anxiety and depression in the past but now it seems to be taking over every part of my life.
What's really bothering me right now is that last night while my head was doing all its thinking I started to think about dolls, like barbies you used to play with. Then I started remembering how much fun they were to dress up, and then it led me to thinking I wanted dolls and want my husband to play with me. I feel like a freak. I can't tell if I actually want this or if I'm just making myself think I do??? Does that even make sense?? Sometimes I just act childish or want to be childish and I think that I'm going crazy or something...
Literally made this account just to get help with things like this, I don't have friends or anyone to really talk to except my husband and like I said our marriage isn't doing to good at the moment :(

08-19-2015, 09:21 AM
No you are not a freak, far from it.

Do you have a solid understanding of anxiety and how and why it affects you in such a way? If not, we have some great stickied threads here that might help you.

Also check out any work by Dr Claire Weekes, any of her books. The road to full recovery can be a long one and there is no quick fix, but achieving a solid starting point through knowledge of what is happening to you is the best and first step.

Try not to fear your symptoms, it only makes things worse, so much of anxiety is mental and once you no longer fear your symptoms, they will occur less frequently and with far less intensity.

It sounds to me like your mind is looking for an escape, a form of comfort, this is understandable under the circumstances.

Hell, why not play with some dolls and see how you feel, theres nothing wrong with it, you might learn that you just like the memories of doing it and it doesn't hold any interest for you anymore.

Live in the moment.