View Full Version : dealing with long term anxiety problems

08-19-2015, 06:51 AM
Hello all

finding myself in a difficult situation. I've had anxiety and depression since I was a child, I know a lot about what anxiety is, and why I have it, and I have learned some techniques for dealing with it, but nothing is working very well at the moment. So I just want to talk to people about it.

Recently had a lot of problems with antidepressant side effects. Tried reducing dose, that didn't work. They gave me something else, which made me feel terrible. Back on the original ones and getting treatments for the side effects but still under heavy stress.

I live in England, in a Housing Association flat. Over the last 10 days all of us here, but especially me, were being harassed by a neighbour, we got the police out, but they didn't do much because it wasn't a physical threat. I'm going to put more about this on the "venting" forum -- let's just say it has been very stressful at a time when I was ill already.

I took tranquillisers to get through this -- and now I think I am experiencing withdrawal. Neighbour is quiet for the moment, but I wake up feeling terrified -- not of her, but of my own inability to cope. Went out for a meditation walk this morning -- it helped, a bit, but still feeling pretty c**p.

When I get anxious, it isn't about what someone else is going to do -- I have very low social anxiety, I am not afraid of going out in the dark, stuff like that. My fear is all about the sense that I am going to do something wrong and get into trouble: do the household jobs or other things in the wrong order, not doing the most important thing first, or forget something or lose something. I know that I am no more wrong than anyone else, I just keep thinking I am.

Can anyone relate to this?

08-22-2015, 11:20 AM
Hi and welcome here :)

Sounds like you're going through a hard time. I know what it's like to be in a difficult environment when you're already dealing with anxiety.

I hope you find some support here. Sorry nobody has replied yet!

Gypsy x