View Full Version : Am I going crazy?

08-18-2015, 03:05 PM
I've had tonsillitis for almost 3 weeks, and have been taking antibiotics for 5 days but it's not getting better. I have little bumps on my gums, swollen tonsils, patches on my throat.

My question is, is just my anxiety? I'm feeling sick, itchy and keep having panic stacks that this could be something worse like mouth cancer as its not getting any better! I'm worried.

08-18-2015, 03:31 PM
Go see a doctor.
If you have seen a doctor, then maybe go back to that doctor (or some other doctor) and say that you aren't better.
Don't try to analyze your issue too much - just leave it to the professionals and try to distract yourself, and have some fun in the meantime.