View Full Version : High needless sensitivty and anxiety to rudeness

08-18-2015, 07:21 AM
Hello i do not know what is wrong with me
when somebody says something stern like we`re closed now
with no sorry just a plain blunt we`re closed

i get really offended

like i live next door to a shop
whilst the staff who work there are very friendly
the owner (a male) is really well not rude but he never ackowledges me in a friendly way
if i come in there is no hello or welcome
its just `yes`
not even a can i help
its just yes?

im not excpecting him or people to be my best friend, i prefer the least possible conversation neeeded if i can be honest, but am i over sensitive?
i just feel really shit when people are rude to me

like in the grocery store once i said please make sure they are green grapes as last time i got purple and he was like yes you told me once
not in a rude way but there was no smile, and i just felt the rest of the day feeling offended

i just hate this over sensitivity it really takes over my life when it shouldnt

does anyone go through similar? please respond thanks

08-18-2015, 08:14 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm trying to learn not to take things personally because I do and it causes a lot of unnecessary stress. It's a really good skill to have (not taking things personally). I guess people with anxiety are prone to it because we tend to have low self-esteem, so we think other people are rude because of US. It's not true though.. Lots of people are just like that.

08-18-2015, 10:23 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. I'm trying to learn not to take things personally because I do and it causes a lot of unnecessary stress. It's a really good skill to have (not taking things personally). I guess people with anxiety are prone to it because we tend to have low self-esteem, so we think other people are rude because of US. It's not true though.. Lots of people are just like that.

do you go through it too
can you give me an example

08-18-2015, 10:36 AM
i can't take judgement and criticism lightly - like at all. it would stick with me and haunt and taunt me and it makes me feel really upset. so i guess im quite sensitive. but, i have to learn that not everyone will accept or like me for who i am and i can't live my life based on what other people think of me. i still didn't learn that, though. if i get criticised, i'd be very offended and i'll end up very upset and agitated. something like this recently happened and i've been down in the dumps because of it. it really does suck.

08-19-2015, 10:09 AM
i can't take judgement and criticism lightly - like at all. it would stick with me and haunt and taunt me and it makes me feel really upset. so i guess im quite sensitive. but, i have to learn that not everyone will accept or like me for who i am and i can't live my life based on what other people think of me. i still didn't learn that, though. if i get criticised, i'd be very offended and i'll end up very upset and agitated. something like this recently happened and i've been down in the dumps because of it. it really does suck.

its weird though because i can snap out of the anxiety sensitivity easily

like today i asked a till staff at the shop `does joe (the owner/manager of the store) hate me? he hasnt said hello to me in about 2 months`

and the staff replied `nah thats just joe for you, he doesnt like anyone`

the assurance that its not me, literally straight away cleared the anxiety

is any of you like that too?

08-19-2015, 10:12 AM
I hate rude people too, makes me want to twist their nipples off..LOL

08-19-2015, 10:58 AM
I hate rude people too, makes me want to twist their nipples off..LOL

gee please dont use such language

08-19-2015, 05:15 PM
yes, i am exactly like that. i always seek reassurance and when i do get it, my worries go away. but when you can't find reassurance, it really sucks.