View Full Version : Anxiety Attacks making me leave jobs after only a day....

09-03-2008, 07:10 AM
Hey everyone.
just joined this amazing forum.
so glad i found it!

my name is jeff
im 22 years old from boston massachusetts.
Im a professional creative musician.
i play guitar,drums,bass,piano all by ear.
very creative person i belive.

my band hasnt really taken off just yet.
we are pretty established but not able to pay the bills just yet from touring.

Over the years ive found myself freaking out over really anything no matter how big or small.

i find myself going from job to job.
supermarkets,dishwasher,cashier ect..

but i find myself leaving these jobs due to:

A. having an anxiety attack
B. thinking about wanting to be at home
C. not really wanting this job in the first place

so i find myself sneaking out and leaving on the 1st day without telling the manager.. and i never go back..i know its wrong, but i cant help it..it just makes me upset cause of course i want to make money but idk..

i had it made..
was going to college for my degree in recording arts, was gonna be an audio engineer..

left school in a matter of 6 months.

went to another program..

left that in a matter of 4 months

went to the same program just partime nites

left that too...

its like my brain says, hey...lets leave, go home and chill,screw being at this place!!

has anyone EVER had this happen to them ever!???...

or am i the only one whos messed up in the head....

thanks guys!
hope i have a twin out there somewhere!!! lol

- jeff

09-26-2008, 01:59 AM
Hi! I think right now your desire to hold down a job is outweighed by your desire to be at home relaxing where it's safe! It really doesn't matter what job you have if it pays the bills and gives you the ability to invest in your music career!
Have you made a list of all the reasons why you want to hold down a job? If so take it with you and keep looking at it throughout your first day! Once the first day is over try for a second. You don't need to be overwhelmed at being stuck in a job you don't like, just take it day by day :D

12-05-2008, 08:42 AM
Hi Jeff,

I've definitely been in your situation before, as have many here. For anyone who's suffered from agoraphobia, change is very hard. Our anticipatory fear of many situations often stops us from even attempting new things, but at least you're out there trying new jobs, so be proud of yourself for that.

I think what's happening is that you're leaving these jobs before you give it a chance to get easier. I know that when I was a really anxious mess, settling into new situations was extremely difficult for me... at first. But like anything, it got MUCH easier as long as I stuck with it. This can apply to taking a new job, or riding elevators, taking flights, any of the situations we fear.

You can do it! I just encourage you to stick with it, no matter how difficult it is, and try to keep the big picture in mind - once your fears subside and you become more comfortable at a job (and believe me, it will happen as long as you just stick it out), you'll get a great boost of self-confidence that will carry over into other areas of your life, and help you muster up the courage to face your other fears one at a time.


01-22-2009, 11:23 AM
I am 24 and I too have quit jobs due to anxiety. I have had so many jobs, some very good by the way, that I have just up and quit, and no one could understand why. They always think that its just plain laziness or irresponsible behavior, but we cannot help it. The condition makes it so that you cannot concentrate, and you feel like you are doomed the entire time you are at work. There's truly no place like home when you are suffering at work. I think that it has to do with the pressure of work, and just the knowing that you cannot just come and go as you please that makes it worst. Without all of the pressure, I think work would be easier, but then again, maybe not...