View Full Version : Health Anxiety about family members?

08-14-2015, 12:30 PM
You may have seen my last few posts which generally revolve around me and my health anxiety, but now it's progressed into something else. I always thought it was selfish that I worried about myself so much, but since my sister got cancer (diagnosed in June) I've been worrying about my health and my family's a lot more. Now everytime I see an NHS letter on the table, I think my family has cancer of some sort. I'm now currently thinking my Dad has Lung Cancer and my mum has some sort of ovarian cancer. I just don't know, the other week I was worrying that my other sister had some sort of cancer too. I mean my Dad had bloodwork done, and I immediately thought he was being tested for some disease, turns out it was for his diabetes which did pop in my head but the more dooming, worse possibility automatically pops into my head and refuses to leave. Now, my mum has been ordered to do bloodwork after visiting the Doctor's and then being prescribed tablets in a dodgy white box, which she says not going to take because of too many side-effects. When I questioned her about it, she said it was for routine tests, she has high cholesterol so I asked that and she said it was for blood sugar and stuff, but these tablets, they've sent my mind spinning into a whole different direction. And when I brought up the topic of cancer earlier, because quite frankly I know a lot of people who have it, some of those terminal, and she looked completely thrown off. I don't know if it's because of my sister or not but this has just sent me into a worrying pit of unenjoyablity.

I had to get that off my chest, but does anyone have any words of advice to lessen my health anxiety?

Many thanks.