View Full Version : Just Been Diagnosed Anxiety-Taking Endep-Please Help!

09-03-2008, 04:21 AM
Hey guys I got a CT scan today came back clear apart from some sinus problem, doctor then diagnosed me (AGAIN) with Anxiety. He has put me on Endep (AMITRIPTYLINE) 10mg he said this is an anti-depresent wich will help the anxiety he said he didnt want to put me on anxiety tablets because they can become addictive and hard to get off with complications.

I am just wanting to know if anyone else is on this OR if anyone else is taking anti-depresents instead and if they work well please reply!

09-03-2008, 08:24 AM
Hi there!

I am taking paxil for anxiety, but it is an anti-depressant. I asked my doc about that and he said that low doses are often used to treat anxiety.

09-04-2008, 06:12 AM
Hey thanks heaps for the reply not many people talk much on here I was going to take paxil but he said that Endep was much better so im on that plus im on some antibiotics apparently I also have a mild right thimoidal sinitisus which has to do with my brain so im over coming that too which isnt or shouldnt be too much of a trouble but gosh now I have anxiety

09-04-2008, 06:45 AM
oh also how are you finding the anti depresent

09-04-2008, 11:42 AM
Ohh dear.. bloddy doctors.. how the hell are you supposed to overcome the anxiety now being told that you have an 'anxiety disorder'.. All this is going to do is put MORE negative thoughts into your head and possibily delay recovery for you. Thank god the doctor has subscribed you with some mild medication, again.. hows medication going to make you recover from anxiety.. you need to face the fears in your mind... If your taking meds, your not accepting the anxiety, just putting it on hold! CBT is the answer!

The all of above is just my opinion, i'm no professional!

I hope you feel better and good luck!

09-05-2008, 07:10 AM
hey thanks heaps for the reply and yes you are correct I know there are things I need to face within myself I just dont know how