View Full Version : Feel like choking

08-14-2015, 02:30 AM
I feel like I am choking, my neck feels really tense, and my face feels like tightness/pulling and 'warmth' at the back of my head, lump in throat, sometimes a bit nauseous, etc... I have been feeling like this for a week now after an intense argument with someone. I don't know what to do any more, I exercise every day but it does not seem to be helping.

08-14-2015, 04:35 AM
I don't feel lack of oxygen, just like my neck is very tight... also I pee frequently. It does not seem to get any better or worse no matter what I do...

08-14-2015, 11:27 AM
the tightness or pressure feeling moves along my head and face... its not always the neck, but its the most disturbing when its the neck... I understand my nerves are really stressed right now but I dont know why, and why it is not going away. I exercise every day and eat healthy... I just lack social life

08-14-2015, 11:45 AM
Sooooooooo Kyle you are going to keep it going talking to yourself, just quit it man

08-14-2015, 12:18 PM
Perhaps you just need to talk to this person. I don't know what you argued about, but apparently it's deeply distressing...

Or tell us about it, maybe?

08-14-2015, 01:34 PM
Perhaps you just need to talk to this person. I don't know what you argued about, but apparently it's deeply distressing...

Or tell us about it, maybe?

No.... that's not important and it is a nobody, but the heated argument was just a trigger for the anxiety symptoms to kick in. Arguments have triggered my anxiety before also... what I want is just more conformation that these symptoms are common for anxiety and they will pass .... and suggestions what I should to do relieve them.

08-15-2015, 09:15 AM
No.... that's not important and it is a nobody, but the heated argument was just a trigger for the anxiety symptoms to kick in. Arguments have triggered my anxiety before also... what I want is just more conformation that these symptoms are common for anxiety and they will pass .... and suggestions what I should to do relieve them.

No.... that's not important and it is a nobody, but the heated argument was just a trigger for the anxiety symptoms to kick in. Arguments have triggered my anxiety before also... what I want is just more conformation that these symptoms are common for anxiety and they will pass .... and suggestions what I should to do relieve them.

Okay. If you're certain it's just anxiety, did you try medication? That would relieve the physical symptoms, wouldn't it? Then if it doesn't work, maybe it is something else...

I've never experienced these feelings with anxiety but I have experienced all of these symptoms at once (lump in throat, tightness/warmth in the back of the head, nausea, moving pressure in head area, etc). It turned out to be sinusitis. The moving pressure and warmth was caused by the infection, and the lump in throat and nausea was caused by access mucus. My immune system takes a real hit when I get super stressed, so come the sinus infections. Also, the lump in the throat and choking sensation could be "silent reflux," which is basically acid reflux but without the heartburn and whatnot, which can cause swelling in the esophagus. And acid reflux is really common in people who suffer from anxiety. I hope this is helpful...

08-16-2015, 01:21 AM
Okay. If you're certain it's just anxiety, did you try medication? That would relieve the physical symptoms, wouldn't it? Then if it doesn't work, maybe it is something else...

I've never experienced these feelings with anxiety but I have experienced all of these symptoms at once (lump in throat, tightness/warmth in the back of the head, nausea, moving pressure in head area, etc). It turned out to be sinusitis. The moving pressure and warmth was caused by the infection, and the lump in throat and nausea was caused by access mucus. My immune system takes a real hit when I get super stressed, so come the sinus infections. Also, the lump in the throat and choking sensation could be "silent reflux," which is basically acid reflux but without the heartburn and whatnot, which can cause swelling in the esophagus. And acid reflux is really common in people who suffer from anxiety. I hope this is helpful...

I am pretty sure its anxiety, my neck just feels really tense. And it started right after the heated argument, directly after I felt it much stronger.....My body started shaking and I started stuttering and after the argument my neck got really tense and it was hard to breathe... the most extreme phase lasted half an hour or so, but since then my neck is still tense and I feel like choking or lump in throat etc.... sometimes also tension at the temples. I guess it will fade away in time but I need to keep my mind occupied and try to stress as little as possible....if it does not go away I will go to a doctor then.

08-16-2015, 04:26 AM
basically i feel like there is a barbed wire around my neck...

08-16-2015, 06:21 AM
Actually the weird feeling kind of moves around my head.... now its more at the back of my head and temples.... I guess that is a clear indication that it is indeed anxiety, but how do I relieve this I don't know. I will try lying on an acupuncture mattress.

08-16-2015, 08:57 AM
Sooooooooo Kyle you are going to keep it going talking to yourself, just quit it man


08-17-2015, 10:28 AM
This is frustrating me so bad now.... I feel like there is a rope around my neck, sometimes a gag reflex, sometimes its at the back of my head, and sometimes around my temples and cheekbones, feels like its tense or like the skin is pulling, my nerves are really stressed and I don't know what to do, it seems like the feeling strengthens the more I think about it, when I fear that there is something wrong with my eyes, then the feeling comes around my eyes, and when I am worried about my neck then my neck gets really tense, but its always something.... my subconscious anxiety levels must be boiling for having such extreme physical symptoms, but consciously I don't have that much to stress about so I don't know what to do. Can there be a physical cure for this or maybe I need a psychologist or something I don't know any more...

08-17-2015, 03:30 PM
I do feel a bit better when I keep my mind occupied, but it is still constantly there.... I mean its not possible that there is something physically wrong is it? Like I said these feelings were triggered by upsetting situations, after the intense argument I had, my body was shaking and it was hard to breathe and I felt like there is a rope around my neck, and it seems like my body still has not fully got over that...

08-18-2015, 06:45 AM
The weird feeling (tenseness) moves around in my head, from the neck, to jaw, to cheekbones, to forehead, to the back of my head, etc.... I guess I should go to the doctor and get some antidepressants now since it has not let up in over a month....