View Full Version : Questions about anxiety

08-13-2015, 08:18 PM
Hey guys I just joined the site after recently finding out I have anxiety. Some symptoms i've been having are tingling and tightness in the back of my head mainly behind my right ear. Occasionally the fingers on my right hand will twitch. I did have some palpitations before but have gotten past that. Also I get a sharp pain in my right eye that might last for less then a second then go away. I started researching my symptoms online and started seeing all the possible conditions they could be and it truly freaked me out. I ended up going to the hospital because I was so concerned it might be a brain tumor. I was expecting to get a MRI or something but the doctor wasn't even too worried. He did a neurological exam testing my balance and what not and I did fine. He said these are all typical symptoms of anxiety and that I should just try to relax and lose weight because I am also obese. I just wanted to see if people really have these feelings that I do because I still get super worried at the fear of having a brain tumor. The first day after being told that by the doctor I felt so much better and that made me believe it has to be anxiety. But the next couple days I started worrying again and now I'm feeling my symptoms again. Just moving the muscles around my eyebrows hard can make me feel some tingling or if I am swallowing quickly a few times I can feel it a little. My ears also pop every time I swallow. I just want to see if some of you guys have felt the way I do. When I am active doing things I don't notice the symptoms as much, it's mainly when I'm sitting watching tv or playing video games. Maybe give me some tips for trying to feel better. Thanks!