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08-13-2015, 07:53 AM
Worry and anxiety

It is extremely important that you keep your mind on your goals (dreams/purpose/desires), and not burden your conscious mind by trying to figure out circumstances and conditions that are best handled by the infinite intelligence that is within your own subconscious mind. The way and the means will be taken care of. They will indeed appear almost effortlessly – but you must let the burden of worry go.

And then, if you do find yourself dwelling on something unfavorable, practice these 3 steps:

1. Immediately begin to live in the present as much as possible
2. Refuse to worry
3. When your thoughts do touch upon your particular problem in that present moment, imagine the best possible solution to the dilemma.

To solve a problem you must begin to minimize its characteristics, diminish its importance, rob it of your attention, refuse it your energy. The method is the opposite, of course, of what you are taught. That is why it seems to be so impractical.

I do realize it is difficult for most of you to understand – but you cannot concentrate upon two things at once. So to the extent that you concentrate upon your pleasures, your accomplishments, and to the extent that you relate to the psychic and biological moment, you are refreshing yourselves. You are not projecting negatively, and you are allowing the problem to unwrinkle, unknot. You are denying it the energy of your attention that keeps it going. You do not spend time thinking that you have not used your abilities properly. You take it for granted that you ARE using them properly, and that allows them to fully develop.

08-13-2015, 10:12 AM
Hi IMs it is easier said than done. I am trying to do it for years and still sleepless nights happen occasionally ;)) Nicely put :)

08-13-2015, 11:11 AM
Good post....finding that letting tomorrow take care of itself has relieved a lot of my worry/anxiety

08-15-2015, 07:54 AM
The act of 'worry' is not a problem solver, just a state of brooding over an issue, event, or experience not understood on an important deeper level of awareness. The conscious mind was meant to assess reality and put the task of a solution to the subconscious. Worrying occurs when the connection of conscious to subconscious (communication) is severed, and where ego then takes on a burdon over which it has no control or ability to resolve.

Be still, put the problems to the subconscious, and let go. If the conscious begins to worry, refuse it, and just picture the best possible outcome. The subconscious is the faculty in connection with infinate intelligence, where ego physically orientated.

The ego conscious was meant to judge your position within physical reality clearly (filtering through a belief system). That which you are unhappy with (want to change) should then be put to subconscious, whose function is to recreate that desire

It must be said that the characteristic of judgment is not the function of subconscious. So often you get what you do not want. Simply because your ego is sifting its conclusion about reality through a myriad of false beliefs, and so the picture of reality subconscious receives is distorted, nevertheless it acts upon the information it is given and begins at once to create it.

You say "but I never wanted to be poor or sick." But under careful honest examination of your dominant thoughts, you will find the majority of time is spent dwelling on these unwanted things (and usually for a long period of time, possibly months or years).

There is no shame in requesting professional help, so if you find yourself with recurring thoughts or immovable problems, make a phone call and speak to a therapist who is trained to show you an essential idea or concept that you may have not been able to consider given the current landscape of your mind.

08-18-2015, 02:42 AM
Very powerful stuff. And it's good to see you posting on the GD again! :)