View Full Version : Having a bad day

08-12-2015, 05:13 PM
Hello, so I have been feeling pretty good, up until supper time and then it hit me and my hands started to feel tingly and then my left foot got feeling tingly. And of course I know what's going on but I can't help but feel a panic come on!! I spoke with a friend of mine that was one of my best friends in high school and she was telling me a bit about what she has been going through after the death of her dad which brought on anxiety for her and she had it quite bad, but I guess after talking to her about it it brought a panic attack on for me.
I'm not sure if this is making any sense or not as I am mid panic :( I have also been fighting with this thing in my vision, I had my pupils dilated and I have what is called "a cob web" by some of my vessels I guess, well it has disappeared, but I now have a "U" shaped line in my vision that has been there for a week and a half, the "cob web" I would say is gone because I don't see the shadow anymore, but this weird line has come in the same eye. I don't see it when my eye is open, I just notice it when my eye closes but not every time of that makes any sense at all :( I have an appt to have a photography taken of my eye on August 26th. I hope that isn't too long to figure out what it is, of course I have googled it and it isn't helping at all :(

08-16-2015, 03:55 AM
Hey Estelle, how are you doing? Do you have any methods to calm down when you feel panicky? All I can really do is breathe and count to ten while doing so, and it helps me a bit, but we're all different! I don't deal with panic attacks on a regular basis so I don't know about them as much, so sorry if what I'm saying isn't helping.

I hope you can figure the eye thing out! I'm sure having to wait a while for your appointment can be a little scary because you're worried about it, so maybe try to keep your mind off of it to stop yourself from obsessing over it? Although that might be difficult, considering it's your eyes and you can literally see the problem. I just believe that it's better to keep your mind focused on other things.

Anyway, I hope you're doing okay!

08-16-2015, 05:16 PM
Hey Estelle, how are you doing? Do you have any methods to calm down when you feel panicky? All I can really do is breathe and count to ten while doing so, and it helps me a bit, but we're all different! I don't deal with panic attacks on a regular basis so I don't know about them as much, so sorry if what I'm saying isn't helping.

I hope you can figure the eye thing out! I'm sure having to wait a while for your appointment can be a little scary because you're worried about it, so maybe try to keep your mind off of it to stop yourself from obsessing over it? Although that might be difficult, considering it's your eyes and you can literally see the problem. I just believe that it's better to keep your mind focused on other things.

Anyway, I hope you're doing okay!

Thank you so much for replying :)
I don't actually have anything that takes them away...but I as well do the deep breathing and I grab a cup of camomile tea and I find it helps. I also find by coming on here and reading other people's "confessions" I guess we can call it helps me. I have been battling with this for long enough to know when one is coming and that I will not die from a panic attack, but it's still very difficult!! I say out loud "this too shall pass" over and over and it helps as well :)
The eye thing is still there...but I have been able to ignore it for the most part :(

08-16-2015, 05:43 PM
I feel like I always hear good things about chamomile tea, I should really try it sometime! Repeating "this too shall pass" really does seem like a good way to calm down and know that the panic will go away, so I'll have to try that, too! It's good to remember that bad times will always end, acknowledging that helps me all the time.

It's good you've been able to ignore the eye thing. I tend to have dry eyes most of the time, so I know how annoying it can be to have something disrupting your vision. Hopefully you can get it all cleared up soon! :)