View Full Version : feeling alone
Vikki Long
08-09-2015, 07:20 PM
I am having trouble keeping my emotions/anxiety in check. Already had one panic attack at work and all it was, was me overthinking the situation at the time. my mind in constantly active and now i have to go to work tomorrow and explain why i am the way i am. and that going to be a conversation from hell. right now i feel so alone and i losing the battle. apart from my medication is there anything else i can do to help me? im not sure how much more i can take.
thanks in advance
08-09-2015, 08:17 PM
I can only speak for myself, but I have never met anyone yet that has been unsympathetic to my problem. I'm sure you will find the same reaction when you explain yours.
08-09-2015, 09:27 PM
Hello! This post struck a chord with me, because trying to make people understand your anxiety and not look down on it or belittle it can be the hardest thing ever, I also feel so alone right now about this. If one more person tells me to just 'chill out' or 'calm down' I'm going to lose it. Just remember that not everybody is educated about anxiety as a mental health disorder, maybe try and explain to your colleagues (the ones that ask) that you have anxiety and sometimes it comes out in panic attacks and it's difficult to control, I hope they understand better than my colleagues did.
I understand the mental strain of those periods where it's got super-bad and it feels like you're losing the battle :( Crying it out helps to get a lot of the tension out, sometimes you just need to. Sometimes if it's been building up over a few days I find that letting it all out properly and then binge-watch OITNB for a bit helps like nothing else does, you'll feel more ready to face things after that. Also, this is such a cliché but exercise really does help in the long term! I personally can't stand running but during the period I got into weight-lifting my mental health had never been better.
I guess there's no quick solution to anxiety although sometimes I desperately wish there was a way to just make it go away, even just for a while. Do things that make you happy, make a happy-playlist for those awful moments. Find someone close who won't hurt you but will bluntly tell you when you're blowing things up in your mind, because I know sometimes it's hard to see it for yourself when something isn't actually such a big deal in reality (not that it'll always help you to stop freaking out about it, but sometimes it helps to get that perspective).
I get how embarrassing and annoying it can be when you can't keep your mind quiet and as a result freak out at times when you really need to keep it together. I bet you beat yourself up about it more than anybody else does to you. Be kind to yourself, we have long lives left to figure out how to make it work. Best of luck with your situation, much peace and love your way <3
08-10-2015, 11:09 AM
I am having trouble keeping my emotions/anxiety in check. Already had one panic attack at work and all it was, was me overthinking the situation at the time. my mind in constantly active and now i have to go to work tomorrow and explain why i am the way i am. and that going to be a conversation from hell. right now i feel so alone and i losing the battle. apart from my medication is there anything else i can do to help me? im not sure how much more i can take.
thanks in advance
I hope that talking to your boss or supervisor about your anxiety goes well. Some people have trouble understand anxiety but those that I have told are usually pretty cool about it.
In terms of how you are dealing with anxiety, do you have a therapist? I only ask because when I started having problems again last year that was the first thing that I sought out to help with my anxiety/depression. I've found it extremely helpful to have someone to talk to that understands anxiety and can help me sort through what I'm thinking and feeling. A lot of the people on this board use diaphragmatic breathing or meditation to cope with their anxiety. I've tried it and found that I had problems focusing but you might want to give it a try yourself. However yoga is something that has really helped me, it helps me relax and focus on breathing and it slows my mind down. There are many ways of coping with anxiety.
08-10-2015, 03:21 PM
I think the other responders have covered the practical advice so I'm going to say something that has been said to me -
'Remember that getting out of bed, putting clothes on and going to work is a win. You are functioning and contributing to society and for someone with anxiety that is a massive win. You are not failing, you just had a little trip and it will get better.'
I hope it helps, and I hope that talking to your boss/supervisor worked out ok.
Vikki Long
08-11-2015, 07:24 AM
I must admit I don't do much exercise, I just walk back and forth to work, some days are better than others but more bad, I do spend a lot of time beating my self up, and I would rather stay in bed than faces the cruel world. I did have a therapist but when I took this job had to stop the sessions cause no clue on the hrs I was going to be doing. That was the therapist idea not mine. I'm scared to go to doctors. Haven't spoke to my boss yet as she wasn't in. She in today so will see what happens.
Thank you for supporting me I do feel better when I'm on here talking to people who are in the same position.
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