View Full Version : does this happen to anyone else??

08-09-2015, 11:12 AM
hi ! i am anxious , depressed, with ocd, not medicated and...i think i'm losing it ! i don't socialise outside of work, i chiken out of parties and other gatherings...i'm practicaly just at home

so...i'm walking down the street, all calm and everything and all of a sudden, someone passes me and ,at first, i see the face of someone i know because their stature or hairstyle are very similar...and i freak out, i lose my breath with panic! i realise that the one who's just passed me is not in fact the one i know but that first instinct , you know, putting a familiar face to a stranger just because their figure is similar, scares the hell out of me...could it be dementia or just anxiety , depression ??? i walk around, a lot of thoughts i my head, it's true i sometimes only glimpse at people, could i not be "all there" when i look at them ?? is it an attention issue ?? i sometimes stare longer at them just to make sure i don't get it wrong...

please take the time to answer, i am scared ! does anyone get this? is it a sign of depression ?

PS : i got MMSE done, turned out ok, neurologist ok too, i'm thinking of a head ct, but until then....

08-10-2015, 12:05 PM

It seems like you are having a problem dealing with social situations. Try to breathe. I think you are experiencing some sort of social anxiety. Depression is a different thing, but I find that being a lot alone for me makes my mind wander. So I try to distract and immerse myself with people.

Did something bad happen to you with people you know? It might also be social phobia? If you like to discuss this in private, if not comfortable in the open, shoot me a pm ok?

08-10-2015, 05:47 PM
hi ! i am anxious , depressed, with ocd, not medicated and...i think i'm losing it ! i don't socialise outside of work, i chiken out of parties and other gatherings...i'm practicaly just at home

so...i'm walking down the street, all calm and everything and all of a sudden, someone passes me and ,at first, i see the face of someone i know because their stature or hairstyle are very similar...and i freak out, i lose my breath with panic! i realise that the one who's just passed me is not in fact the one i know but that first instinct , you know, putting a familiar face to a stranger just because their figure is similar, scares the hell out of me...could it be dementia or just anxiety , depression ??? i walk around, a lot of thoughts i my head, it's true i sometimes only glimpse at people, could i not be "all there" when i look at them ?? is it an attention issue ?? i sometimes stare longer at them just to make sure i don't get it wrong...

please take the time to answer, i am scared ! does anyone get this? is it a sign of depression ?

PS : i got MMSE done, turned out ok, neurologist ok too, i'm thinking of a head ct, but until then....

I'm with LLaine on social phobia/social anxiety being what you are experiencing. However since you mention that you are depressed there's also the element that you could be socially isolating yourself. If you are uncomfortable in social situations or crowded places that could be agoraphobia too. Do you have a therapist/counselor that you could talk to?

08-11-2015, 12:34 AM
i have thought about it, i have isolated myself from everyone because my oldest friends, more than a couple, left town (their jobs) and i felt i couldn't fit in with others.i just don't understand why i "see" my maths teacher, whom i haven't seen in over 12y, in some stranger walking beside me.it's just that first look and my brain makes the connection in nanosecond and then panic sets in...

i had an mri done yesterday, still waiting for the results...at work i am fine, no one knows i have a problem because it doesn't show, i am able to concentrate, do my numbers right...then i come home and forget things, misplace things, forget to pronounce the letter r sometimes, need someone to remind me things...i hope it's anxiety/ depression related...i don't have a therapist, but that might be the first thing i'll try to correct today

thank you so much for answering, i feel a little bit better...hope to hear from you soon

08-13-2015, 10:48 AM
so....my head mri came back clean...i am more confused than ever...i feel like there is no help for me !

09-02-2015, 09:51 PM
so....my head mri came back clean...i am more confused than ever...i feel like there is no help for me !


Right now the most important thing is to calm down. Ive been there, trying to have all the answers once is not going to happen. I see your post is a few weeks ago, how is everything?

09-07-2015, 04:29 AM
I will also say that, if something wrong happens then, it creates a social anxiety. For me, it is difficult to deal with this issue. I don't have any other option. So, I choose to take Xanax to have a control over it.

09-13-2015, 12:59 PM
hi everyone...

it's been a while...i went to a psych consult, left with a prescription for xanax before bedtime...she tried to assure me it's not dementia or anything related, still i'm not over it...i sleep better, so i'm calm during the day...very much alone...i try to tell myself people often forget things, misplace things, mistake people for others because we are NOT machines...still soooo confused

i walk a lot to clear my mind but i seem to be thinking of other things and listening to the music in my ipad at the same time, i realise it must be a lot to take for the brain...but i catch a glimpse of someone and feel the need to stare at them passing just to make sure it's not an acquaintance, while music is booming in my ears AND thoughts are racing in my head... i guess what i struggle the most with everyday is the thought that i won't recognise my loved ones one day...

i managed to retrace the moment it all started, i remembered walking behind someone i used to know, dead sure it's her, but when i passed her...surely it happens to others everyday and they don't think the world is ending...anyway, i was so distraught that i kept seeing a lot of "ghosts" that day...and the next day...and the next...had a good period of time, "ghost"-free...i don't know anymore what the truth is...

thank you so much for helping, every advice is welcomed, LLaine is that skype offer is still available , i'd love to take it