View Full Version : anxiety,in a situation and I need advice, family disagreements, should I fly back?

08-08-2015, 10:31 PM
Hi, I'm 18. I just finished year 13 at sixth form (UK). School has finished and I have quite a few regrets about it, I became more self consious as the years went by and really didn't put myself out there at sixth form but what can you do. I'm really going to miss it and I went to that school from Year 7.

Anyways, basically I'm on holiday at part of my grandma's house in India. It's a decent place and I stay away from my family home for most of the time. I come usually every 3 years and I know the place well and seen everything there is too see. So, basically I didn't really want to come here this year as it's the year 13 summer it's the summer to hang out with mates before everyone separates and stuff. I was told I wasn't going this summer but then my dad ended up booking it and I was told 3 days prior to leaving.. Pretty annoyed. I said I wasn't going but I ended up saying yes as long as he met 3 agreements of mine. One of which was that I come back before results which he told me a fair few times that I will do and I was coming back with him on the 9th. I've also had this health issues effecting me for the past few months which includes panic attacks and anxiety. It's gotten to the point where I can't be alone by myself anymore as I get these attacks and I haven't been in that situation for 2 months now. Anyways, I've been getting checked out and doing various tests here and it's been found that I have this vitamin d deficiency and anxiety. I've been given medication for it and obviously stay in sunlight and there's a lot more here than there. This was a few days ago, and tomorrow my dad's leaving and my ticket wasn't booked till the day back my other family is coming back which is after results and after the results day party. I still haven't decided on uni and i've put that on the back of my mind.

Just not sure what to do now as I told them I wanted to be back on results for ages and I've been having arguments with them for the past couple days and they can't get me a ticket with my dad but I can get a ticket the day before results but that involves going on a connecting flight on my own. I'm already anxious about that. I more or less want to go results day as it's the last time i'll see loads of people and I didn't say a proper goodbye to a fair few at prom. Already under a lot of stress and this has given me more stress. If I go on the early flight then I can go also go to a couple parties the days after it which I would enjoy. However, if I miss it it could be added to another list of my regrets. I could probably get my dad to pay for going to a football game and a festival if I don't go. Just saying all this is a bit silly but anyone with any helpful advice please? I'm in this big disagreement with my family now that's involving a lot of people and i've been made to be the bad guy. I know i'll probably regret if I don't go but can I handle going by myself (although there will be strangers everywhere). I haven't been myself in a room or just with strangers for an extended period of time for over 2 months. I don't know how to describe why but I get these panic attacks with palpitations and think i'm going to get a heart attack. I'm more or less normal when i'm in a comfortable situation but I still get these panic attacks and just have a general feeling of anxiety :/. I need to make a decision in the next few hours, please help!

08-10-2015, 02:18 AM
**bumppp anyone??

08-10-2015, 12:02 PM
Family can be really complicated. I love my family more than anything- but I also can almost hate them sometimes because they are capable of driving me so nuts.

I feel like half of your anxiety is the fact that you had all these other plans, and now your family comes in and is stepping all over them. You don't WANT to go, you WANT to hang out with all the people you may not see again.

It's a tough decision.. family is important and it is good to see them when you can.. but they will still be there next year. This opportunity you want to cherish will not.

As much as they might get angry at you, you need to stand up for yourself and tell them how you really feel. Then decided if you don't want to go and TELL THEM THAT.

They are your family. they should love you regardless.